Parallax Address
Posts: 433
I just noticed that Parallax is on Menlo Drive. Is this any coloration to 'The Wizard'?
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Post Edited (Mike2545) : 4/9/2009 1:25:03 AM GMT
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Post Edited (Mike2545) : 4/9/2009 1:25:03 AM GMT
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That "Meno Park" is in New Jersey and I don't believe that there is in any way a relation to "Menlo Drive"
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
(We need a "barfin' smiley" REAL BAD!! )
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EDIT: A little off topic, but another "great", which was kind of a jackass - Newton. Seriously, who has a bust made of themself, FOR themself? I bet Edison and Newton are best bud's "up there".
Post Edited (Philldapill) : 4/10/2009 6:44:10 PM GMT
Perhaps Edison's greatest claim to infamy was the filmed electrocution of an elephant to demonstrate the "dangers" of alternating current. (I'm sure PETA would've torched his lab for that egregious act, had they been around.) Yet, it was only in 2007 that Con Edison ceased providing DC power to its few remaining users, providing them with AC-to-DC converters. (Ref:
BTW, Menlo Drive may derive from Menlo Park, California (est. 1854). The name seems to have spread from there to numerous California byways and landmarks.
But really, who has a bust commisioned, and gives it to "himself". Dang. Now you've got me second guessing my grammar.
I haven't met the guy. I know that he DID think outside the box, especially for his time. Aside from the famous quotes of his, I've read things that suggest he was very proud of his accomplishments, which like you said, he deserves praise for. The whole bust thing just makes me laugh. That's taking it a LITTLE too far... It's only gravity and motion for crying out loud... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
It was considered a duty of the wealthy to support artists by commissioning works from them.·
It isn't unknown today, either.· Do you know, there actually are portrait studios in a great many shopping malls?· Preposterous!· Who would even want to associate with someone who would pay for a portrait of himself (herself)?
· -- Carl,
I hadn't known about the elephant.· I wouldn't choose to do that, or watch it; and I don't in general like people who would.· Still, elephants, like other nonhuman species, are chattel and have no rights.· Genesis is clear on that, if you happen to be a believer.· But any intelligent person who has watched animals in the wild, or considered·the history of civilization intelligently,·would reach·the same conclusion.· If·homo sapiens had not assumed mastery of animals, civilization could not have been developed.
Me, I like civilization.
PETA is a terrorist organization, criminal in practice and intent,·and ought to be disbanded with a battery of artillery.
· -- Carl,
· -- Carl,
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering