Need to capture peak impact
I need to measure and capture the peak force (or strain or displacement) of a flat square steel plate, supported·around its edges, and·struck with a rubber mallet. It's for a carnival-type game where people will compete to see how hard they can hit the plate.· The plate is about 12" X 12" X 1/8". Any ideas out there?· The g-loading is likely to be very high (in the 100's) and the pulse duration very short, so conventional accelerometers would be saturated unless they are somehow damped.
- Stephen
BTW, are you sure 1/8" is thick enough? I'll bet it gets bent.
The Freescale MMA1200 series of Z-axis high-g accelerometers are commonly used for shock testing and have a maximum range of· ···· +/-169g,+/-225g and +/-250g. The accelerometers·have an analog output with a well controlled gain factor, packaged·in an·SOIC and are ~$12/quantity 1.
MMA1211EG - +/-169g; MMA1212EG- +/-225g; MMA1200EG- +/-250g
························ Craig Eid
··········· Triad Research and Development
Electical Engineering Design and Consulting Services
Post Edited (Craig Eid) : 4/8/2009 2:17:27 AM GMT
Craig- thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to take a look at the Freescale devices, too.
Phil- I know what you mean by dividing down the voltage, but can you give me a reference for how to integrate a signal with an op-amp?
Thanks. --Jim
You will need some way to discharge the cap after taking a reading. This can be done with an analog switch, or simply a large value resistor which bleeds the charge off between impacts.
Another circuit that might be appropriate is an op amp peak detector. Instead of integrating the energy under the voltage curve, this will sample and hold its highest value. Again, a way of discharging the cap, such as a large value resistor, must be included.