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SXB 2.0 Compiler problem? — Parallax Forums

SXB 2.0 Compiler problem?

RS_JimRS_Jim Posts: 1,771
edited 2009-04-14 22:47 in General Discussion
Good Morning Bean:

I have been enjoying working with SXB 2.0 since the public beta became available.·I am using 2.0.19 of April·1. ·Last night I came up with the following problem:
This code snippit:
'dtac·is delta tac reading since the last time func called
Bank @timing
l_dt1·Var Word
l_dt2·Var Word
'·l_dt2 = Tac2 - Tac1
·l_dt2 = BCD_WORD_SUB Tac1, TAC2
'·l_dt1 = Tac1 - Tac0
·l_dt1 = BCD_WORD_SUB Tac0, TAC1
·Tac0 = Tac1
·Tac1 = Tac2
'·__wparam12 = l_dt2
'·__wparam12 = l_dt2 - l_dt1
·__wparam12 = BCD_wORD_SUB l_dt1, l_dt2
'·tmpW2 = __wparam12
return 'Tmpw2

compiles as:

································ ;'
································ ;'dtac·is the·delta tac reading since the last time func called
································ ;'
································ ;'
DTAC:··························· ;FUNC DTAC

· BANK timing··················· ;Bank @timing
l_dt1······· = __STACK-$02······ ;l_dt1·Var Word
· ADD __STACKPTR,#2············
l_dt1_LSB··· = __STACK-$02·····
l_dt1_MSB··· = __STACK-$01·····
l_dt2······· = __STACK-$04······ ;l_dt2·Var Word
· ADD __STACKPTR,#2············
l_dt2_LSB··· = __STACK-$04·····
l_dt2_MSB··· = __STACK-$03·····
································ ;'·l_dt2 = Tac2 - Tac1
· MOV __PARAM0,Tac1_LSB········· ;·l_dt2 = BCD_WORD_SUB Tac1, TAC2
· MOV __PARAM1,Tac1_MSB········
· MOV __PARAM2,Tac2_LSB········
· MOV __PARAM3,Tac2_MSB········
· MOV __PARAMCNT,#3············
· CALL @__BCD_WORD_SUB·········
· MOV W,#l_dt2·················
· ADD W,__STACKPTR·············
· MOV FSR,W····················
· MOV IND,__PARAM1·············
· INC FSR······················
· MOV IND,__PARAM2·············
································ ;'·l_dt1 = Tac1 - Tac0
· MOV __PARAM0,Tac0_LSB········· ;·l_dt1 = BCD_WORD_SUB Tac0, TAC1
· MOV __PARAM1,Tac0_MSB········
· MOV __PARAM2,Tac1_LSB········
· MOV __PARAM3,Tac1_MSB········
· MOV __PARAMCNT,#3············
· CALL @__BCD_WORD_SUB·········
· MOV W,#l_dt1·················
· ADD W,__STACKPTR·············
· MOV FSR,W····················
· MOV IND,__PARAM1·············
· INC FSR······················
· MOV IND,__PARAM2·············
· MOV Tac0_LSB,Tac1_LSB········· ;·Tac0 = Tac1
· MOV Tac0_MSB,Tac1_MSB········
· MOV Tac1_LSB,Tac2_LSB········· ;·Tac1 = Tac2
· MOV Tac1_MSB,Tac2_MSB········
································ ;'·__wparam12 = l_dt2
································ ;'·__wparam12 = l_dt2 - l_dt1
· MOV W,#l_dt1·················· ;·__wparam12 = BCD_wORD_SUB l_dt1, l_dt2
· ADD W,__STACKPTR·············
· MOV FSR,W····················
· MOV __PARAM1,IND·············
· INC FSR······················
· MOV __PARAM2,IND·············
· BANK timing··················
· MOV W,#l_dt2·················
· ADD W,__STACKPTR·············
· MOV FSR,W····················
· MOV __PARAM3,IND·············
· INC FSR······················
· MOV __PARAM4,IND·············
· BANK timing··················
· MOV __PARAMCNT,#4············
· CALL @__BCD_wORD_SUB·········
· BANK $00······················ ;Bank
································ ;'·tmpW2 = __wparam12
· SUB __STACKPTR,#4············· ;return 'Tmpw2
· RETP·························
The assembler complains about __param0.· I use the FUNC BCD_WORD_SUB elswhere without the local variables and it compiles and runs fine.· But when I attempt to use the local variables the compiler wants to add __param0. I have a work around in mind that I can do that will eliminate the local variables but I really wanted to use them in this case.


  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,213
    edited 2009-04-05 23:17
    It's hard to tell without having the whole program to experiment with, but my guess (it is just that) is that the you're telling the routine to be in one bank while using the stack (which is another) -- then calling a routine which may be accessing another bank altogether. Since you're using the "timing" bank can you put all of your variables in it? And if you use 2.xx declarations such that you don't require __PARAMCNT you can use __PARAM5 to save and restore the present bank when going into and back out of BCD_WORD_SUB.
  • RS_JimRS_Jim Posts: 1,771
    edited 2009-04-09 13:49
    Thanks for the reply, I will try loading up my local VARS from the timing bank by using get and put. Maybe that will end the necessity of changing banks to the timing bank. BCD_sub only cares what vars are passed to it in __wparam12 and __wparam24.
    At first quick brush with passing with get and put I am still getting compiler wanting to create __param0. I will look deeper into the code to see why I can;t pass the params without needing "param0"
    RS Jim
  • RS_JimRS_Jim Posts: 1,771
    edited 2009-04-14 22:47
    Ok, I have installed Ver 2.0.20 and that solved the __param0 problem. Keep up the good work Bean and thanks!
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