Propeller + Windows XP = Roboard (...???)
I just found this on the web, looks very interesting - (if I learn a new language) and can find (very easy) a use for it. Just a pity about the steep price tag.
" The Roboard RB-100 is a new breed of robotics controller: a fusion of a traditional microcontroller and a full function computer. Think of it as an OS capable microcontroller on steroids, boasting a 32bit x86 CPU running at 1000MHz and 256MB DRAM. The ability to load an operating system of your choice and have direct access to I/O, Comm ports, USB, and networking opens this controller up to a wide range of robotics based applications. Our Roboard Starter Kit comes with just about everything you need to implement this feature rich controller in your next robotics project! All you need to supply is a 1-2gb Micro-SD card to load an OS onto.
* Powerful Computer dedicated to robotics applications.
* Starter Kit includes Interface Cables and Mini PCI VGA Card.
* Based on the Vortex86DX, a 32bit x86 CPU running at 1000MHz with 256MB DRAM
* Compatible with Windows, Linux and DOS
* Open Source C++ Library for Roboard's unique I/O functions (sensors, actuators, etc.)
* A perfect solution for Microsoft Robotics Studio development.
* Only 2 watts of power consumption!
* Tiny size measuring in at only 96 x 56 mm "

Why didn't I think of THAT!!!!
" The Roboard RB-100 is a new breed of robotics controller: a fusion of a traditional microcontroller and a full function computer. Think of it as an OS capable microcontroller on steroids, boasting a 32bit x86 CPU running at 1000MHz and 256MB DRAM. The ability to load an operating system of your choice and have direct access to I/O, Comm ports, USB, and networking opens this controller up to a wide range of robotics based applications. Our Roboard Starter Kit comes with just about everything you need to implement this feature rich controller in your next robotics project! All you need to supply is a 1-2gb Micro-SD card to load an OS onto.
* Powerful Computer dedicated to robotics applications.
* Starter Kit includes Interface Cables and Mini PCI VGA Card.
* Based on the Vortex86DX, a 32bit x86 CPU running at 1000MHz with 256MB DRAM
* Compatible with Windows, Linux and DOS
* Open Source C++ Library for Roboard's unique I/O functions (sensors, actuators, etc.)
* A perfect solution for Microsoft Robotics Studio development.
* Only 2 watts of power consumption!
* Tiny size measuring in at only 96 x 56 mm "

Why didn't I think of THAT!!!!
I have the RoBoard RB100 and was trying to interface the laser range finder to it but to no avail.
Currently I have Lubuntu installed on the micro SD, and done all the setup procedures as posted on the Roboard website. I also have an untrasonic range finder connected to COM1 of the roboard and it works. I can read the values from the sensor.
But when I tried using COM3 on the board, as it is TTL same as the laser range finder, it didnt do anything. (tested on cutecom).
I would really appreciate if anyone could suggest anything i could do to fix this.
Cute & small, but too expensive.
* a lot of I/O pins easy to use
* and
* the power of a PC to use large programms with maths and/or communications (ethernet, wifi)
After some try and errors i think that it is better to have a Propeller and a mini PC : they are built for different tasks. And you find exemples and programs on the net for this tasks.
Just now , i am trying to use the Propeller (for I/O) and an ebox (about 100 $ and 270 g, 3 USB, for image analysis) : work to do to for loading XP and roborealm on this mini PC .
For the EBox see:
Interested to know how your project progress.
Jean Paul