Steering basic stamp 2
Posts: 11
I am building a robot car, I use a L293 H-Bridge as motor stepper and I want to code the Basic Stamp 2, to send pulse modulation for the H-bridge and at the same time control the servo for steering to left or right.
2 or the steering left or right can be done by controlling the sonar with the same Basic Stamp 2?
2 or the steering left or right can be done by controlling the sonar with the same Basic Stamp 2?
2) A BS2 will not be able to generate PWM directly while it's doing other things. It realistically can't generate two different PWM signals (for left and right motors). You can use a peripheral processor like a PWMpal to do it or you can use a 555 timer to generate the PWM while the BS2 controls the 555 using a digital pot.
3) If you do have some kind of external PWM generation, the BS2 can control a PING))) and use that data to control steering.