Generating high frequency clock pulses
Posts: 1
I'm a little new to the propeller and its features, and have a question about generating high frequency clock pulses with the propeller chip. Would it be possible to generate stable clock pulses to drive another chip in the range of 10-20 MHz? Could this be done using CTRA/B? I read something about using these counters to do this, but I found the documentation to be a little lacking in describing what the different timer modes are for.
Download the application note (AN001) on the counters.· If you have a proper power of two submultiple of the system clock, you can get an output as stable as the system clock itself.· If it's not a power of two submultiple, you'll get some jitter.· The counters can use a PLL to multiply the system clock to frequencies up to about 160MHz which can then be divided down.
Not very fine grained. If you just need some clock pulses 'in the area of 10...20 MHz it's okay. If you want to tune, e.g. to a radio transmitter you'll need some extra hardware. TI has PLL chips that can be programmed via serial connection to a prop or any other controller.
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····f0 = CLKFREQ * n / 232, where 1 < n < 231 such that 4 MHz < f0< 8MHz, and
····fout = f0/16, f0/8, f0/4, f0/2, f0, f0*2, f0*4, f0*8, or f0*16
The amount of jitter is roughly inversely proportional to the number of consecutive least-signficant zeroes in the binary expansion of n.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 3/31/2009 7:30:00 AM GMT