Opening Oem Gerber files
Posts: 270
Hello, I have downloaded the oem gerber files. I also have downloaded viewmate. I am able to open bs2a2, but am unable to open bs2b. The bs2a2 is the 2 sided board, and I believe the bs2b is the one sided version which is what I need. Anybody have any suggestions? I don't really need the gerber file just a picture of the trace routing as I am using express pcb for my board design and I dont think I can import a gerber file.
Here is a link to several "free" gerber viewers. I have used CAMTASIC in the past. "GC Preview" is also on the list.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 3/31/2009 4:23:38 AM GMT
Thanks again!!