Thanks for the reply Hippy!· You're right, there is plenty of info about Vixenlights at the Vixenlights site,·but·there's zero instructional literature accompanying the software.· I know this isn't a Vixenlights forum, but I've got a propblade microcontroller from brilldea with the parallax propellor processor on it and·that's how I·kinda stumbled my way over here.··Anyway, any help would be much appreciated.··In the mean time I will ask at Brilldea and the Vixen Lights forum.· Thanks!·
Hi DynamoBen, thanks for responding to my question.···I have an RGB led system that you're likely familiar with.· It's the system from Brilldea with the LED painter and PropBlade.· Here's the background: ·I'm using the Entecc Open DMX converter, and have 12 actual (physical) RGB led circuits (channels)·to control. ·I'm unsure of how to approach this in Vixen.· I have·added 36 channels (as opposed to just 12) in the new sequence wizard in Vixen with the Enttec Open DMX output plugin.· Should I also implement the RGBLED output plugin here too (If so, I'll also have a question about the com port setting)?· Then, once the event sequence design window opens and I begin programming the event sequence do I simply·use the RGB addin (it appears that the DMX addin is already set here)?·I did this already, but when I tried to set a color/time gradient it just didn't seem to set properly.· I could see that the channel was set to "ON" (white as opposed to grey) for the preset duration, but didn't see any indication of my color setting.· Is this normal?· And am I approaching this correctly?· Thanks alot for your help.
This isn't the best place to answer this but let me give you the short answer. If you have further questions please post in the DMX portion of the Vixen forum and we can discuss further.
In short, you can't use the RGB plugin its meant for something else. The OpenDMX plugin is what you need but you will need to color fade each channel individually (RGB) and manually.·And yes you will need 36 channels to do this.
I concur - the DMX Plug-in should be set to 32 channels. On the Prop Blade itself be sure to set the starting address and in Vixen Lights be sure to configure the channels to go to the starting address. If you are using nothing else on the DMX-512A network than you can probably use channel 1 (first DIP switch set to ON).
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT
In short, you can't use the RGB plugin its meant for something else. The OpenDMX plugin is what you need but you will need to color fade each channel individually (RGB) and manually.·And yes you will need 36 channels to do this.
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT