Getting a SP03 to Speak the distance measured by Ping)))))
Posts: 10
You'll see from a previous post
that I managed to get the SP03 working using I2C protocol.
I am now trying to get it to speak the distance measured by the Ping))) sensor.
Simple PING Code
PULSOUT 0, 5 '12
PULSIN 0, 1, time '3
DEBUG HOME, "time = ", DEC5 time
time = time ** 1500 '2251
DEBUG CR, "Distance = ", DEC4 time, " cm"
' Now need to take the time variable and concatenate "centimeters " to it and then somehow feed it to the SP03 I2COUT Command
' SP03 Code snippet here
GOSUB Wait4Shutup ' Wait until finished speaking
I2COUT SDA, SP03, CmdReg, [noparse][[/noparse] LDBUF, 0, 5, 3, <insert time & Centimeters here> , 0] ' Load Phrase
I2COUT SDA, SP03, CmdReg, [noparse][[/noparse]SPKBUF]
Not sure how to store and manipulate text variables using Pbasic
DATA "HELLO" puts load into memory location
Is there a way to assign that to a variable when you read it back (and convert back to Ascii at the same time) ?
Wonder if I can insert a variable name into I2COUT ?
Loads of questions ?????
Anybody got an idea ?
that I managed to get the SP03 working using I2C protocol.
I am now trying to get it to speak the distance measured by the Ping))) sensor.
Simple PING Code
PULSOUT 0, 5 '12
PULSIN 0, 1, time '3
DEBUG HOME, "time = ", DEC5 time
time = time ** 1500 '2251
DEBUG CR, "Distance = ", DEC4 time, " cm"
' Now need to take the time variable and concatenate "centimeters " to it and then somehow feed it to the SP03 I2COUT Command
' SP03 Code snippet here
GOSUB Wait4Shutup ' Wait until finished speaking
I2COUT SDA, SP03, CmdReg, [noparse][[/noparse] LDBUF, 0, 5, 3, <insert time & Centimeters here> , 0] ' Load Phrase
I2COUT SDA, SP03, CmdReg, [noparse][[/noparse]SPKBUF]
Not sure how to store and manipulate text variables using Pbasic
DATA "HELLO" puts load into memory location
Is there a way to assign that to a variable when you read it back (and convert back to Ascii at the same time) ?
Wonder if I can insert a variable name into I2COUT ?
Loads of questions ?????
Anybody got an idea ?
Say that "distCm" is the calculated distance in centimeters and txtOut is an array of 3 bytes (3 digits 0-999):
There are more efficient ways, but this should be clear enough, I hope.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
In regards to inserting a variable in the I2COUT command. The I2COUT command can be used with variables, constants, expressions to format outgoing data.
Are you trying to get the ASCII value for the text in your DATA statements? If so you can use the DEC formatter. Here is a small example, is this what you are referring to?
Joshua Donelson
Thank you very much - your approach worked perfectly
My final snippet of code below
[noparse][[/noparse]Program Description]
' TalkingPing.bs2
' You need to convert binary "numbers" to ASCII characters for TTS (text-to-speech).
' Say that "distCm" is the calculated distance in centimeters AND txtOut is an array of 3 bytes (3 digits 0-999):
[noparse][[/noparse]I/O Definitions]
SDA PIN 8 ' Serial data line - Remember to pull high with 4.7K resistor
SCL PIN 9 ' Serial clock line - Remember to pull high with 4.7K resistor
Ping_pin_1 CON 0 'I/O pin that is connected to PING))))
SP03 CON $C4 ' SP03 I2C Address
CmdReg CON 0 ' SP03 Command register
VerReg CON 1 ' SP03 Version register - Not used in this program
LDBUF CON $00 ' NOP command is Load buffer
SPKBUF CON $40 ' Speak buffer Command
SPKPRE CON $08 ' Speak Predefined Text $01 to$30 Command - just change the number for what ever phrase you need
time VAR Word
Stat VAR Byte ' Status byte from SP03
txtOut VAR Byte(3) ' Make a 3-byte array
distCm VAR Word
[noparse][[/noparse]Program Code]
PULSIN 0, 1, time
DEBUG HOME, "time = ", DEC5 time
distCm = time ** 1500
DEBUG CR, "Distance = ", DEC4 distCm, " cm"
txtOut(2) = distCm/100 + "0" ' 100s
txtOut(1) = distCm//100/10 + "0" ' 10s
txtOut(0) = distCm//10 + "0" ' 1s
GOSUB Wait4Shutup
I2COUT SDA, SP03, CmdReg, [noparse][[/noparse] LDBUF, 0, 5, 3, "distance is ", txtOut(2), txtOut(1), txtOut(0), " centimeters." , 0] ' Load Phrase
I2COUT SDA, SP03, CmdReg, [noparse][[/noparse]SPKBUF]
' Check to see that SP03 is finished speaking
I2CIN SDA, SP03, CmdReg, [noparse][[/noparse]Stat]
IF stat>0 THEN wait4shutup
Not sure about 'best', I got mine from a few weeks ago, when it was 90 bucks. Now I see it's $105. I tried to get it straight from Devantech, but their website at states "This product is now obsolete". Their US resellers, at also say "this product no longer available". I think I read somewhere that the Winbond WTS701 chip that's the brain of the board is no longer being made. So, hurry and try to find one, looks like they're rare. Also, after reading about how only female voice boards are being produced and available now, mine came with a male voice - I'm quite happy with that, my bot Diddly is a guy.
Oh, if you can't find one of these, take a look at Parallax's own offering - a very nice board indeed (and cheaper too):
Question for the group:
How does one use special formatters with the SP03. I know that the WTS701 accepts "control" characters, such as "^P" for switching to phonemes, "^U" for pauses between words, etc... There's a thread about it for the Emic board here:, but I couldn't make the SP03 do it. Should work pretty much the same, no?
Thanks for guidance.