Send SMTP Mail message from Microcontrollers / Stamps
Here is the need: My company has some remote equipment that has become more critical to our operation. Critical in the sense that we would prefer to know if a motor didn't close a vent completely or open a valve to drain a pond down halfway. We currently visit the site at least once weekly but got the idea to connect some type of monitoring device that will send a short email message via SMTP when any one of 16 switches opens or closes. When a switch contact closes, we want the message to read: Pump #1 started; Pump #1 pressure switch closed. etc.
Another example would be to receive an SMTP message when any door or window is opened or closed on my house. If I can connect it to magnetic / hall effect switches, I can customize the text for each switch input.
Anyone have any suggestions for this type of monitoring SMTP system?
Thanks much,
Another example would be to receive an SMTP message when any door or window is opened or closed on my house. If I can connect it to magnetic / hall effect switches, I can customize the text for each switch input.
Anyone have any suggestions for this type of monitoring SMTP system?
Thanks much,
Thank you very much. I just ordered a Pink. This is exactly what I was looking for. I had done some searches for a Parallax stamp but didn't this one. I have some Stamp kits and believe this will get us started.
This post is pretty old, and it looks like the PINK is no longer available. Is there something new that does the same thing? I am considering using the Basic Stamp in a very similar application to the original poster's.
A very solid performer and flexible at remote sites. My customer use them to both monitor and control hydro-carbon remediation units in the far north.