Testing a chip to see if it is fried?
·· I purchased a max1270 and cannot get it to work. It is an 7 chan adc. Whenever I connect any voltage to vref or refadj the prop shuts down. At $30 a pop I don't want to order another and fry it to. Is there any way to test this chip or any other chip in general?
·· Yes I've searched the forum with the good search.
· Can anyone recommend a multichannel adc. I found one tlv2534? for $9. I have a 8031 working well but need multiple inputs and don't want to use 3 pins per adc.
······· "What do you mean, it doesn't have any tubes?"
······· "No such thing as a dumb question" unless it's on the internet
·· Yes I've searched the forum with the good search.
· Can anyone recommend a multichannel adc. I found one tlv2534? for $9. I have a 8031 working well but need multiple inputs and don't want to use 3 pins per adc.
······· "What do you mean, it doesn't have any tubes?"
······· "No such thing as a dumb question" unless it's on the internet
Generally for complex ICs like the MAX1270, the only way to test them is to exercise them in a known good circuit.
I suggest you go through the Object Exchange to see what ADC drivers exist for multichannel ADCs. I know there's one for the ADC0834 and the ADC0838.
Remember that if you want to feed 5 volts to an adc that is fed with 3.3 volts that it will not work because of the protection diodes built in. It will give the 3.3 line a 5v surge.
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·