Everyday Parts
Hi, i'm in a bind.· I need to buy a few chips, but they are only 1.30 apiece.· The site i'm ordering from requires minimum orders of 35 dollars.· I'm looking for parts that would commonly be found in peoples shops that are parts that come in handy often.· Things that without it you'd be in a bind.· I'm looking for any small electronics, part numbers would be handy.· Thinks like Encoders/Decoders, whatever somebody thinks somebody just starting out would need.· What are your recommendations?· Thanks!
Jameco, Digi-Key even parallax has discreet componets.
Resistors- Qty 10 to 100 ea - 240, 470, 1K, 10K 1/8 Watt or 1/4 Watt.
Capacitors Qty 10 to 100 ea - 0.01uF, 0.1uF, 33uF, 1000uF 25V rating should be enough, 16V may be ok.
Transistors Qty 10 to 20 ea - 2n3904/2n3906
LED's Qty 10 to 20 ea - Various colors to use as required.
Diodes Qty 10 to 20 100V or higher, 1A or more.
Voltage regulators Qty 5 to 10 ea - 3.3V, 5V, +-12V if doing analog/op amp related projects.
These are pretty common parts that are useful in most projects. The resistors and capacitors in particular are used in almost every project you will build.
If you still need to make up a few bucks, hookup wire is always useful, as well are SD sockets.
Male & female pin connectors are also very useful to have as well.
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Sparkfun has one that looks like it would work. I've used this socket with success several times
on the Protoboard. Of course there is a plug-and-play solution from ucontroller.com too.
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Post Edited (Dr_Acula (James Moxham)) : 3/22/2009 5:38:08 AM GMT
I'm just getting back into the hobby and use many sources listed above along with surplus stores. One of my resources is also electronics being thrown out. It quickly builds back up!!!