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BS2 recieving DMX data? — Parallax Forums

BS2 recieving DMX data?

SergeBSergeB Posts: 1
edited 2009-03-19 23:58 in BASIC Stamp
I'm beggining with the BS2 and PBASIC (Going from C/C++ to BASIC is quite... unconfortable).

I am trying to use a Basic Stamp 2 microcontroller to read data from a DMX line. It's a standard for controlling stage lighting. I'm using a SN75176 (~ MAX 481) to convert the voltage levels to digital 0's and 1's.
Here's how a DMX signal looks like:
And here is the problem itself. How do I read the data? I need the time length of BOTH high and low signals, so I cannot use the PULSEIN function (since it only works on either low or high signals alone).
I was thinking of using a timer, but from the looks, one cannot achieve such a function without using an external RTC. Is this really the case? I need to get the project done by monday, so I have the time to buy a component if it's needed.

Thanks in advance,

PS. / EDIT: I really hope the Stamp is physically capable of doing this - I really don't want to program it on a PIC with Assembly *shiver*.

Post Edited (SergeB) : 3/19/2009 9:26:54 PM GMT


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