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Clock and the Professional Development Board — Parallax Forums

Clock and the Professional Development Board

Karl WendtKarl Wendt Posts: 7
edited 2009-03-26 00:56 in Learn with BlocklyProp

I am using the Professional Development Board with the BS2-SX module for a class-wide ROV project. We would like to use the built-in segmented displays on the professional development board to show the time (from the built in clock) but we are unsure how to set up the clock and begin programming this. Students have been working with the "What is a Microcontroller?" book and homework board until now.

Can the clock information be sent to the segmented LEDs?

Thanks in advance smile.gif


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2009-03-18 18:45
    There's information on using the clock chip and using the display in the StampWorks manual which you may have already.· If not, you can download it from Parallax.· Go to the webstore page for the StampWorks manual and you will see a link for downloading free of charge.· Other good information can be found by going to the main Parallax page and clicking on Resources.· The Nuts and Volts Columns link will take you to the index for that and there's at least one column on the use of the clock.· The Downloads link will give you another list.· Select Stamps in Class Downloads and you will see an index of all of Parallax's tutorials including "What's a Microcontroller?" which you already have.

    The documentation on the clock will allow you to read the clock into variables.· The documentation on the display will allow you to write the contents of variables to the display.· Combine the two and you will have what you need.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2009-03-19 15:01
    The following thread is a clock that was originally built on the PDB. It's using a DS1302 rather than the on-board DS1307, however you can get an idea of how the data was displayed using the 7-segment displays. Take care.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Engineering
  • Karl WendtKarl Wendt Posts: 7
    edited 2009-03-26 00:56
    Thanks all [noparse]:)[/noparse] We are going to try to work with the StampWorks book.
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