trip thanks do you have an inventory of parts if to buy to go along with the bare board?? also I went to order one but I am in USA the ad says bare board 200,00 what does that equate to in american money?
And do you guys ship to the USA? ·
Also looks like it has enough clearance at the wide end for it stand upright on it's two wheels and balance itself. Assuming you an run the motors in reverse.
How do we connect up some more sensors?
For me, the past is not over yet.
heater: Yes it has enough clearance at the wide end for it stand upright on it's two wheels and balance itself.
How do we connect up some more sensors?
if you look at the schematics you see that the lcd connector has
7 I/O that you could use for sensors. And you also have 5 spare 12bit A/D converters.
And J7 + J12 is standard RC-servo connectors, but you could use that I/O for any purpose.
Assuming you can run the motors in revers? Yes i can.
I have updated the propbot page with linefollowing code written in SPIN.
Have fun programming it!
PS:· Can you say where you got the motors and wheels?
They look like·pololu wheels, motors and mounts to me.·Check it out here· -
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
And i got the wheels from Sparkfun.
Its alive
The DC/DC works fine and give me 7Volt for motor drive.
The USB Li-Po charger circuit works.
The propeller programs fine to·RAM and eeprom.
And it sounds good as well.
soon i will test the motors.
Now its running, pretty fast as well, the demo program is like·a circle so it doesent runaway.
I made a small batch of theese boards, and i put some PCBs up for sale at:
And i will post the schematics and BOM and testcode·on that page later.
And do you guys ship to the USA?
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT
I added a video at:
Its realy nice to work with SPIN!
On that page you will also find schematics and BOM.
And here is a image of the bot with almost all components monted.
Also looks like it has enough clearance at the wide end for it stand upright on it's two wheels and balance itself. Assuming you an run the motors in reverse.
How do we connect up some more sensors?
For me, the past is not over yet.
How do we connect up some more sensors?
if you look at the schematics you see that the lcd connector has
7 I/O that you could use for sensors. And you also have 5 spare 12bit A/D converters.
And J7 + J12 is standard RC-servo connectors, but you could use that I/O for any purpose.
Assuming you can run the motors in revers? Yes i can.
I have updated the propbot page with linefollowing code written in SPIN.
And a new video that shows the linefollowingcode in action.
mikediv: And do you guys ship to the USA? Yes.