Maximum parameters drawing from the board directly and placement of Vm pin
Posts: 142
Need to know what is the maximum amp load/voltage load the Javelin can maintain. I have accidentally blown out a stamp in the past and do not wish to do so again. Also where is the Vm pin location (i am not using the javelin demo board but a BOE as a development board).
Need to know what is the maximum amp load/voltage load the Javelin can maintain. I have accidentally blown out a stamp in the past and do not wish to do so again. Also where is the Vm pin location (i am not using the javelin demo board but a BOE as a development board).
The javelin has an onboard regulator that can supply 150mA/5V.
The module uses 60mA for its internal circuitry.
That leaves 90mA for circuitry connected to the javelin VDD pin
and·current sourced by the the·Javelin I/O pins.
Here is the BOE schematic:
The Vm appears·to be called VSV0.
Here is the manual:
You set the voltage to the servo connecters via the jumper located between the
servo connectors.
All grounds should be connected. Just make sure that if you input a voltage > 5V to
a Javelin I/O pin, that you have a series resistor >= 1k that will limit any current
through the I/O pins protection diodes.
regards peter