Line follower with Photoresistors
I would like to show you my line follower with Photoresistors. (It's my DIY construction so I don't know is it a good topic there

Only what you need to build this sensor are 3 photoresistors (e.g VT935G-B).

The ciruit is simple:

My program is using RCTIME Command and copare time from 3 circiut .
There is a short video:
Of course It's only prototype, but I think this sensor can be use in diffrent project with boe-bot
I would like to show you my line follower with Photoresistors. (It's my DIY construction so I don't know is it a good topic there

Only what you need to build this sensor are 3 photoresistors (e.g VT935G-B).

The ciruit is simple:

My program is using RCTIME Command and copare time from 3 circiut .
time1 VAR Word time2 VAR Word time3 VAR Word DO 'first photoresistor HIGH 15 PAUSE 3 RCTIME 15,1, time1 'second photoresistor HIGH 6 PAUSE 3 RCTIME 6,1, time2 'third photoresistor HIGH 0 PAUSE 3 RCTIME 0,1, time3 DEBUG HOME,"time1= ", DEC5 time1 , "time2= ", DEC5 time2,"time3= ", DEC5 time3 IF (time1 > time2 ) AND ( time1> time3 ) THEN PULSOUT 13, 650 ' Left rotate PULSOUT 12, 650 HIGH 14 ENDIF IF ( time3 > time2 ) AND ( time3 > time1) THEN PULSOUT 13, 850 ' Right rotate PULSOUT 12, 850 HIGH 1 ENDIF IF (time2 > time1) AND ( time2> time3 ) THEN PULSOUT 13, 850 ' Forward PULSOUT 12, 650 HIGH 7 ENDIF LOOP
There is a short video:
Of course It's only prototype, but I think this sensor can be use in diffrent project with boe-bot

There is the same sensor but soldered to copper wire:
In this design, photoresistors have a common mass, so you don't have to conect photoresistor to Vss
(under the robot you can see additional wire, but it's a part from diffrent projekt )