sumo bot rev d resets randomly
Hi, we would like to host a sumo bot competition in 14 days ( so we bought a whole schwack of sumo kits.· it seems that the rev D boards are prone to automatically resetting the micro.· in the middle of a fight, one of the bots will just stop moving and wait.· if you push the reset button again it will start to count and initiate battle mode once again.· So I assume that the mirco has reset and is waiting to start the fight again.
We are still trying to find the cause for the reset.· It appears to affect the rev d boards, those are the boards we sent out for the contestants.
Not familiar with parallax support forums, could any one point me towards some helpful advice or does anyone else have issues with the rev D hardware for the sumo bots.
We are still trying to find the cause for the reset.· It appears to affect the rev d boards, those are the boards we sent out for the contestants.
Not familiar with parallax support forums, could any one point me towards some helpful advice or does anyone else have issues with the rev D hardware for the sumo bots.
We have not heard of any issues resetting on the SumoBots; have they always reset or is this something new.
What·is the voltage off the battery pack?
Joshua Donelson
Joshua Donelson
You might be able to "harden" the susceptibility to static by shorting pin 4 on the DB9 connector to ground after programming.· A small jumper wire from the connector to ground would work.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Just in case; the ground pin would be pin 5.
Joshua Donelson