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Parallax USB Servo Controller and VSA Software Problem — Parallax Forums

Parallax USB Servo Controller and VSA Software Problem

Meyers MadnessMeyers Madness Posts: 4
edited 2009-03-10 13:36 in BASIC Stamp
Hi all,
Wanted to ask you all if anyone has experienced this while using VSA.
If or when I try to play a event, I get this error message and unsure why.
If I click on Device #1 and drag my event line or bar to the right and then release, then double click the same bar until it changes to green, same message appears.

I did set the proper port setting and set the servo settings as well.

I have gone to and downloaded the most recent USB driver for the Parallax USB board.

My operating system is Vista, here is how it is st up. Vista
Parallax Servo Controller
Futaba Servo
Plugged into Ch1 of the parallax board.

If anyone may know of a fix please let me know?

Here is the message that I recieve.

Windows reported the following error while attempting to open communication port 8:

Access Denied

Vsa operation will continue without communication port access
Resolve and restart vsa.

I then called parallax and talked to tech support and set up my setting properly under Device Manager.

Same Problem exists.



  • UnsoundcodeUnsoundcode Posts: 1,532
    edited 2009-03-10 02:05
    Hi Dean , have you tried to connect to the PSC with any alternative software and is it only VSA that gives this error.

    Jeff T.
  • Meyers MadnessMeyers Madness Posts: 4
    edited 2009-03-10 10:14

    This is all I have right now. To me it looks like a communication problem but not sure.

  • Meyers MadnessMeyers Madness Posts: 4
    edited 2009-03-10 12:17
    I think I may have stumbled across the problem and wanted to run it by you guys.
    This morning I plugged every thing up and went to device manager under my control panel settings and noticed COM8 in use where I have the cable plugged into.
    Then when I went to VSA it only gave me COM9 as an option to select, other than none or I guess the serial option.

    Could this be the problem?
  • UnsoundcodeUnsoundcode Posts: 1,532
    edited 2009-03-10 12:46
    Does it work on Com9 Dean?

    Alternate software you could try is the PSC software on the product page of the Parallax USB PSC if it's still available.

    Under Device Manager of Windows the Com ports are listed and each one has the Com number at the end inside of brackets. If you unplug your USB cable from the computer while watching the device manager the listing for that particular driver will disappear and reappear when you plug it back in , thats one way to verify the port number·.

    If you right click the device listing and bring up properties then under port settings you will see the initial baud rate , does VSA allow you to modify the baudrate·, clicking advanced will bring up a dialog where you can manually choose the Com port number although the automatic selection should work just fine.

    Jeff T.
  • Meyers MadnessMeyers Madness Posts: 4
    edited 2009-03-10 13:36

    I think the problem might be that the software and I am not sure but it is not putting it to the right port.

    Yes I did go to device manager and went to LPT-PORTS, not in front of my pc right now. Rt clicked on properties and saw which ever port I plugged into which is only two ports USB on the ft of my pc. It stated in use, whether it is 8 or 9.

    It is like the software is reversed.

    Would this cause this by chance.

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