Which one?? Hmmmm...
I am very interested in Robotics, and have been ever since i was very little. I am currently going to school for software engineering. I have been creating software for along time, because i have taken programming through high school and independent studies for along time now.
·My question to all of you experts out there (or at least anyone with more knowledge than me, that is), what would be a good starting point. I have been looking through the Parallax website, and i've been thinking about starting at the Boe-Bot Robot Kit. Now would this be a good place to start learning about robotics, or should i start with something different, like just practice breadboards or something?
Any help would be greatly appretiated. I have long time goals, and all i ever think about is programming and creating little robots.
Thanks to anyone with any answers for me.
-Michael Morris
·My question to all of you experts out there (or at least anyone with more knowledge than me, that is), what would be a good starting point. I have been looking through the Parallax website, and i've been thinking about starting at the Boe-Bot Robot Kit. Now would this be a good place to start learning about robotics, or should i start with something different, like just practice breadboards or something?
Any help would be greatly appretiated. I have long time goals, and all i ever think about is programming and creating little robots.
Thanks to anyone with any answers for me.
-Michael Morris
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
Also, thanks for the advice on the extra's i might purchase. I'm going to be picking them up too.
-Michael Morris
-Michael Morris
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
Sorry if this is too confusing to understand, sometimes my thoughts don't come out right.
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
How do you choose a value resistor for an infrared LED? The Boe lets you experiment. What capacitor and resistor values are good for reading a potentiometer? Ditto. What's the best way to power and run a servo from a voltage other than the voltage that the microcontroller uses? Ditto.
I scratch-build fairly sophisticated 'bots of all sizes; I still use my first (and only) Boe as a "model" when trying out new circuits, sensor concepts, etc., before committing a single piece of wire, solder, or aluminum (not to mention the time saved knowing that when I transfer the circuit to a board it should work properly). I can assemble a circuit in minutes, try out some code, tweak it, etc., then "lock it down".
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
Thanks a million Zoot! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
-Michael Morris
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Another great resource for you, as Mike Green had also referenced,·is our What's a Microcontroller book, also available for free download from our website at the link below:
This book goes through all the basics of how breadboards work, how to wire simple circuits, and how the BASIC Stamp·2 reads information from them.· While Robotics with the Boe-Bot is written for beginners, some knowledge of breadboard wiring is assumed, and What's a Microcontroller will help fill in these pieces.· A great thing about this book is that you can also complete 26 of the 44 activities with the components that·come with the Boe-Bot Robot Kit.· If you go through this book in small chunks at a time, you should get that·extra confidence when you begin wiring circuits for your Boe-Bot!
Hope this helps!
Jessica Uelmen
Education Department
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Jessica Uelmen (Parallax)) : 3/9/2009 6:46:15 PM GMT
-Michael Morris
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
The cool thing about the BOEBot is that once you've worked through what you have, there is alway more to do and more things to try - like wheel encoders, remote control, compasses, and other sensors besides the Ping))), which you ordered.
You may also want the Basic Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual, which is to order·here - http://www.parallax.com/Store/Books/BASICStamp/tabid/168/CategoryID/42/List/0/Level/a/ProductID/143/Default.aspx?SortField=ProductName%2cProductName
Or as with most of Parallax's materials, it is available in pdf for free!
You are going to love·your BOEBot·and I promise you will begin to learn a lot about robotics. Keep us posted on your progress.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Post Edited (Whit) : 3/11/2009 12:50:10 AM GMT