rfid code help
Posts: 51
Hello again, I am still trying figure out how to make my BS2 learn an rfid tag. Meaning I want to go into a program mode within my program and use the WRITE command to write the tag id in a variable that is in the eeprom. I did some research and I am coming to the conclusion that I cannot do that because I guess the BS2 does not have a scratch pad to save that big of a string of bytes into. It is becoming pretty confusing. I posted a thread similar to this and no one replied so I guess either my problem is very simple and on one cares to show this newbie or that no one has any idea what I am trying to do or what I am trying to achieve. Here is my code:
This is the part of the code that I am trying to make that will read the tag and write it into the eeprom from addresses 0 to 9. Not sure if I did this right. Help here would be awesome.
This is the part that I am really iffy about. Basically its supposed to the code block that checks the written tag to the tag that was just presented. This code obviously does not work but like I said,, any help would be AWESOME.
Program: LOW Enable SERIN RX, T2400, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT($0A), STR datalog\10] ' waits and reads tag FOR idx = 0 TO 9 ' writes to address of idx into that variable name WRITE idx, datalog DEBUG datalog(idx) ' displays each character on debug screen NEXT FREQOUT Beep, 1000, 4500 ' confirmation beep GOTO Reset ' goes to actual program
This is the part of the code that I am trying to make that will read the tag and write it into the eeprom from addresses 0 to 9. Not sure if I did this right. Help here would be awesome.
Reset: LOW Enable ' activate the reader HIGH RedLED Check_Tag: SERIN RX, T2400, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT($0A), STR mysterytag\10] FOR idx = 0 TO 9 DEBUG mysterytag(idx) NEXT FOR idx = 0 TO 9 READ idx, datalog IF ( datalog <> mysterytag(idx) ) THEN GOTO Check_Tag ELSE ENDIF NEXT GOTO Tag_Found
This is the part that I am really iffy about. Basically its supposed to the code block that checks the written tag to the tag that was just presented. This code obviously does not work but like I said,, any help would be AWESOME.