1.7Volt signal and the SX28
Hello All
I'm trying to read a 1.7volt clock/DATA pulse with the SX28
The pulses are from a watch battery powered device @ 77kHz
I know I need to amp. the signal up to TTL levels.
What I'm after is a AMP or DRIVER to do this?
I have looked @ the MN13811 ~ MPF102
If anyone has some knowledge of a usable circuit to do this.Something simple,·I would greatly App. It.
Thanks in Advance!
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
I'm trying to read a 1.7volt clock/DATA pulse with the SX28
The pulses are from a watch battery powered device @ 77kHz
I know I need to amp. the signal up to TTL levels.
What I'm after is a AMP or DRIVER to do this?
I have looked @ the MN13811 ~ MPF102
If anyone has some knowledge of a usable circuit to do this.Something simple,·I would greatly App. It.
Thanks in Advance!
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
TTL mode has threshold of 1.4V whereas CMOS mode (default)
has threshold 50% of VDD.
1.7V signal may be able to trigger a pin in TTL mode.
regards peter
TTL mode IS the default threshold level.
So you shouldn't have any problem detecting a 1.7V singnal.
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There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence. Make sure you don't cross it...
Another way you could be sure and detect the 1.7 volts is set up the analog comparitor on B2 and B3 with a reference voltage of say 1 volt.· When the pulse you are trying to detect is below 1 volt B0 is low and when the pulse you are detecting goes above 1 volt, B0 goes hi.
1:TTL/CMOS mode. cool!
2:Comparator-Port B. way cool! 'just what I needed; But I don't know how to write this in the new SX/B templates?
I have found the templates very different from what I'm use too, But I want to give them a try and learn some new stuff.
If anyone has a link or A SX/B template program that uses the comparator. I would greatly APP. it
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
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There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence. Make sure you don't cross it...
You Are the MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
I have found a BUG with Vista and XP64; In the "help" topic window.
I felt pretty stupid after You posted the "help option" for a question That I asked.
I rechecked the help file and found nothing on "Analog Comparator" and the selection (explore window) I had did not match
what You posted.
I reloaded SX-Key v3.2.92.h on My XP64 machine and know I have the same selection (explore window) that was is in Your post reply.
I tired this with My Vista laptop and I still have the older (explore window). with the help topic?
I did notice that You had SX-Key v3.2.92.j running, Is this a fix for the Bug?
I can,t thank You enough for the Screen Shot. with out it I would have never known what I was missing.
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
Can you post a screenshot of the problem under Vista?
Sorry But I had fixed the problem on My Vista machine before I caught Your post reply.
I ran the problem down to SpyBot. I couldn't believe all the apps. it was blocking.
I'm not sure if this is a Windows app. or what, But I got rid of it. Now all is well!.
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA