µOLED-128-G1 with BS2
Hi, I'm a french and I have two questions.
_How to display text on the screen with a button ?
_How to display a picture·stored on a sd card with the BS2 ?
Thank you for answering me !
_How to display text on the screen with a button ?

_How to display a picture·stored on a sd card with the BS2 ?
Thank you for answering me !

Your forum etiquette probably won’t win you any fast answers…you can’t just demand answer from members. It would probably help others to answer you if they knew what code you already had, as well as what type of picture and what exactly it is coming from. An SD card doesn’t just directly interface to the BASIC Stamp, so is it possible there is some other hardware? Try to be more descriptive and less demanding in the help you need.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering