Stamp power supply
Posts: 17
I'm trying to connect a stamp to a breadboard with an AC 6-9V adapter plug.So i assume i'll use VIN that way i can use the stamp's regulator to get 5v.
1.Does anyone know what polarity i connect to VIN.(Plug has 3 prongs).I blew one stamp already.
2.The adapter plug has 3 i should connect the ground pin to VSS right?
1.Does anyone know what polarity i connect to VIN.(Plug has 3 prongs).I blew one stamp already.
2.The adapter plug has 3 i should connect the ground pin to VSS right?
Vin on the Stamp has to be connected to a positive source of 6-9V DC with the negative source connected to Vss (Gnd). The voltage source should be able to supply at least 50mA.
Currently I'm using an educational serial stamp board.I"m using the adapter plug that comes with it.Input voltage is AC, DC output.I"m trying to transfer the whole setup to a
PCB and was wondering how to do it.
+ve to VIN
-ve to VSS
If you're including any relays (or other noise-generating devices) on your PCB, locate them as far from your Stamp as possible, physically and electrically, to minimize interference which can cause erratic operation.
·"If you build it, they will come."
I'm building a small IR receiver so all i have is the IR Detector and resistor..5v from stamp should be enough right?
·"If you build it, they will come."