Unfortunately, there is no standard SPI protocol. The name generally refers to a clocked data transfer where there's a chip enable line that starts each transaction and there's often simultaneous input and output of data. Beyond that, there can be all sorts of variations. Many devices only transmit or receive, but not both at the same time so you can share a single bidirectional line. The data that's transferred back and forth can vary widely.
The result is that, what you'll find in the OBEX is either a driver for a specific device that is not likely to work for anything else or a low level driver that can transfer bytes at high speed in a clocked serial protocol, but has no higher level logic and has to have all that added for a specific device.
SPI does have the advantage that the low level protocol is very simple and can be implemented in a few lines of Spin or assembly
The result is that, what you'll find in the OBEX is either a driver for a specific device that is not likely to work for anything else or a low level driver that can transfer bytes at high speed in a clocked serial protocol, but has no higher level logic and has to have all that added for a specific device.
SPI does have the advantage that the low level protocol is very simple and can be implemented in a few lines of Spin or assembly
thanks....I have learnt something.... I was on the wrong assumption that SPI was a standard.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle