Serial LCD Backpack
Hi all.
You may have noticed that Parallax LCD screens come with wonderful little serial backpacks that give you easy 3 pin communication to the LCD unit. Unfortunately, not all LCD screens come with this, so I was wondering if anyone knew of a good circuit that I could follow to build myself one of these little accessories?
Thanks in advance.
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You may have noticed that Parallax LCD screens come with wonderful little serial backpacks that give you easy 3 pin communication to the LCD unit. Unfortunately, not all LCD screens come with this, so I was wondering if anyone knew of a good circuit that I could follow to build myself one of these little accessories?
Thanks in advance.
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Who are you, and why are you reading my signature?
Which has enough in it for me to at least work something out that should work pretty close... Just need to sort out coding the PIC to do what I need it to do... That's the fun part I guess...
If anyone can find a pre-designed circuit (preferrably a 3 pin serial interface) with code ideas for the micro, that'd be awesome!
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That's exactly what I'm after! Thanks very much!
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If you're connecting this to a Basic Stamp, use the 9600 baud version
It costs $6.95 USD and has additional features like custom characters, bootup screen, Big numbers mode (if you have a 4x20 screen), variable backlight and 4 general purpose output pins.
It is a kit, and doesn't come with a board. You'll either have to breadboard the components or stick them on a piece of perf board like I did.
It will support any microprocessor that can output a 9600 baud serial communication.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
So the PIC handled the asynch data and control whether it was direct or RS232 inverted. In fact the application was an engine monitor wherein the serial input was actually a pulse input.
RS ................ GP4 via RC
LCDEN.......... GP5
R/W.............. GND
Totals LCD backpack parts:
1x 8-pin PIC
1x resistor
1x 1000pf capacitor
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Who are you, and why are you reading my signature?
This discussion has been about HD44780 based LCD character display's. These small displays typically have 2 or 4 lines of 16 to 40 characters.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering