basic stamp 2.5 control dimmer 110v AC
Hi, i am trying to control a light (110v AC) via my basic stamp. for an example, if i press and hold a switch from basic stamp then the light(110v) goes darker untill i release that switch or the light will go off if i keep holding the switch.·I dont know what or where i need to start. please give me the name of the components that i need·to·control the light,·and i will do research on my own. i tried to search for a DC - AC dimmer but there are none. please help!
thank you so much !
thank you so much !
Do a Wikipedia search for "triac" and "dimmer". One link found is this:
You can buy what's called a "solid state relay" which is essentially a packaged triac controlled via an optically isolated LED. Your Stamp will have to detect the "zero-crossing" of the AC waveform using an opto-isolated zero-crossing detector, then delay a short (variable) time and trigger the triac. The delay time affects how bright (or dim) the light becomes.
Another technique is to use a commercial light dimmer and turn the knob using a servo motor which can be controlled by the Stamp.
The main thing is to avoid electrocuting yourself and others and avoiding blowing fuses or starting fires or explosions by short circuiting the AC line. If you don't know what you're doing, stick with a commercial light dimmer and follow the instructions for installation. If you do know what you're doing, stick with opto-isolated components and keep the AC and anything directly related to it in its own insulated box with the isolated logic signals coming out of the box.
Chatter, sir?
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Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
what is opto-isolated zero-crossing detector ? can i buy one or how can i build one ?
where can i buy a triac, i tried radio shack but they dont have it. thanks a lot for helping me.
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