Response time to pin transition in spin
Posts: 460
How long should it take spin to respond to a high/low transition in spin using:
I'm using the Prop to check the stability of a GPS based triggering system. The system should trigger every 10 seconds with an accuracy of about 30ns. I'm simply trying to confirm that the trigger occurs every 10 seconds +/- a few microseconds. So I wrote this loop which runs in its own cog:
In words:
When P4 goes low
1. grab the system counter
2. subtract that from the system counter at the last event (unsigned sub)
3. convert difference in counts to difference in time (usec) by diving by 80 (I'm using an 80Mhz system clock)
4. subtract this time from how long it should have taken (10_000_000 useconds)
5. print out some info and repeat
I captured the output of this for about 3 hours (about 1000 events) and found only 2 possible error times (usec):
-9393 and -9394
The stability is encouraging. But I don't understand where the delay comes from. It's nearly 10 milliseconds. Is this the time it takes the spin WAITPEQ to react?
Any and all comments appreciated.
waitpeq(0, |<4, 0)
I'm using the Prop to check the stability of a GPS based triggering system. The system should trigger every 10 seconds with an accuracy of about 30ns. I'm simply trying to confirm that the trigger occurs every 10 seconds +/- a few microseconds. So I wrote this loop which runs in its own cog:
PUB ELAPSED_TIME | c_time, o_time, diff DelayMS(6_000) o_time := cnt uarts.str(DEBUG,string(13,"Starting elapsed time counter at: ")) uarts.str(DEBUG,gps.time_string) uarts.str(DEBUG,string( " Counts: ")) uarts.dec(DEBUG,o_time) repeat waitpeq(0, |<4, 0) c_time := cnt if o_time > c_time diff := ( $FFFF_FFFF - o_time ) + c_time else diff := c_time - o_time uarts.str(DEBUG,string(13,"Event at: ")) uarts.str(DEBUG,gps.time_string) uarts.str(DEBUG,string(" Elapsed time(us): ")) o_time := diff/80 uarts.dec(DEBUG, o_time) uarts.str(DEBUG,string(" Error (us): ")) uarts.dec(DEBUG, (10_000_000 - o_time) ) o_time := c_time DelayMS(1_000)
In words:
When P4 goes low
1. grab the system counter
2. subtract that from the system counter at the last event (unsigned sub)
3. convert difference in counts to difference in time (usec) by diving by 80 (I'm using an 80Mhz system clock)
4. subtract this time from how long it should have taken (10_000_000 useconds)
5. print out some info and repeat
I captured the output of this for about 3 hours (about 1000 events) and found only 2 possible error times (usec):
-9393 and -9394
The stability is encouraging. But I don't understand where the delay comes from. It's nearly 10 milliseconds. Is this the time it takes the spin WAITPEQ to react?
Any and all comments appreciated.
Just use diff := c_time - o_time without all the checking. The math still works out, even when the counter rolls over. Also, get rid of that DelayMS(1_000). That's probably what's causing the trouble. Replace it instead with waitpne(0, |<4).
Finally, what you'll probably end up measuring is the accuracy of your crystal, not that of the GPS, which is likely to be much more accurate.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 2/27/2009 4:52:28 PM GMT
Thanks for your feedback. But I'm not sure I follow. Between one iteration of the loop and the next I *should* have 10 seconds. So all the debug messages and the wait 1 second should happen then during this down time. The reason the wait 1 sec is there is because I was concerned initially about the getting through this loop too quickly. The low time of P4 (the Event trigger) is 5ms. I put the wait 1 sec in so I wouldn't catch the same low on P4 more than once.
If Mike's right that WAITPEQ (even in spin) responds in nanoseconds, I would expect c_time to be the system counter to within a few 10s of nanoseconds from the falling edge of P4. The next falling edge is nearly 10 seconds away so I can do the math, print stuff out, take a shower, and feed the dog, and still get back around to the WAITPEQ long before P4 goes low again. When I do, I should again catch the falling edge on P4 to within nanoseconds of it happening. I now have the system counter of 2 consecutive events (o_time and c_time; old and current). If I subtract them I have the number of system clocks between events. Convert from counts to time and compare that to the number of microseconds in 10seconds and I *should* be getting nanoseconds if Mike is right, but at the very least I should be getting microseconds. But certainly not 10 milliseconds.
I'm not trying to be stubborn, but I still don't see the problem.
Need to make your prop design easier or secure? Get a PropMod $50CAN has crystal, eeprom, and programing header in a 40 pin dip 0.7" pitch module.
That being the case, your debug outputs should not interfere with the timing at all. There will certainly be a delay between your waitpeq and reading cnt, but it will be exactly the same delay every time through the loop. So the "slowness" of Spin is completely irrelevant in this case.
My recommendation would be to start another cog which outputs a similar pulse on another pin — one which you know has the correct timing. Then retry your program on that.
I agree that spin is much slower. But I'm convinced that for what I want to do, spin should be plenty fast. I'm looking for accuracy, not speed. Besides, 10 seconds between pulses of interest is much to long for me to see any detail on my scope, so I'm stuck with a debug window of some kind.
Thanks for the code. I've run it on the very system that was giving me trouble and it gives me the same result you get. That includes when I switch the waitcnt in blipper from 1 sec to 10. So I think the hardware is doing what it should.
This hardware in fact does have a GPS 1PPS ( my first attempt was to look at something derived from the 1PPS) which I can look at. When I run your program without blipper and instead use my gps 1PPS as input for elapsed time I get:
Error (us): -938
Error (us): -939
I just assumed I had a software error, but now I'm not convinced. The main difference here that I see is these two have different clocks. If one assumes that the 1PPS is really good to its spec, this error I'm seeing must be in the 5Mhz crystal (an error of 12ppm: 938/16 to take out the PLL 58parts/5Mhz = 12ppm). I guess this is what you said in your first post. So maybe things are working just fine after all. At least I now have an explaination for what I was seeing.
Back to my original error of ~9394us/10 seconds that works out to 939us error/1 second which fits very nicely with this measurement.
Would you believe that kind of error in the 5Mhz crystal?
Many thanks,
I'm afraid NTSC output is not possible. This is a homebrew printed circuit board with a 5Mhz crystal. I'm not the brewer, just the programmer. It does handle serial comms without any trouble so it can't be too bad. How did you come up with 939ppm?
To get the error of 939us I took the difference in counts and divided by 80. So 939us is ~75,000 counts. 75,000/80Mhz ~= 939.
I see how you got 939ppm. Alright then, I'm back to not understanding the problem!
I appreciate your willingness to help. I'll get the best close-up shot I can and I'll ask the engineer to look at the schematic and release a copy if possible. Unfortunately this will have to wait till Monday before I can look into it further.
Does the fact that serial comms are good mean anything useful? Sure seems to me to be running fine otherwise. I'm not convinced this is simply an crystal problem. First thing Monday I'll try running some square wave tests with the high time set to something well know (and fast). If the crystal is that far off, my predictions for counts to wait should be off as well.
Stay tuned....
Post Edited (pgbpsu) : 2/27/2009 10:46:41 PM GMT
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 2/27/2009 11:55:28 PM GMT
Something came to me on my bike ride home from work. Unfortunately, it does nothing to explain the behavior, but maybe it will help me track it. This system has a 1PPS input so if I write a an assembly routine which waits for that 1pps pulse, then enters a loop where it grabs the time and adds 80_000_000 counts, raises a line for a short time, then lowers it, jumps back up waiting for the counter to reach the 1 second mark, and keeps looping over this.
What I'm trying to do is sync up to the 1PPS, and then generate a pseudo-1PPS based on the prop's clock. That should very quickly show if my crystal is off and by how much.
I'll see what that gives and hopefully post a photo and schematic on Monday.
Thanks again for all your input.
I ran a spin program which simply counts the system clocks between GPS 1PPS. If what I wrote is correct, 1 GPS second has 80075360 system counts in it. Which means my crystal is off by 75360 counts in 80_000_000 or 1 in ~1000. I've been watching this program for ~ hour and the number of system counts/GPS second is very stable. It's just not very accurate.
I've talked with the engineer who laid out the board. He says the layout follows standard good practices. I've included a portion of the schematic at Phil's request.
Scoping XO shows a 5Mhz sawtooth wave with 1.4V pk-pk but DC shifted by +2.2V. The XI line has a 5Mhz 600mV pk-pk sine wave with the same DC shift.
Comparing that to the Prop Demo board. The XO and XI lines there look exactly the same as each other; nice clean sine waves with 2.2Vpk-pk and a 2.2V DC shift.
I'm not sure where the 2.2V DC shift comes from, but it looks like it belongs there. The sawtooth, however doesn't look correct. So it looks like there's something wrong with our circuit?
My program has the following clock decleration:
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x ' use crystal x 16
_xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' 5 MHz cyrstal (sys clock = 80 MHz)
Anyway, thanks to all for making suggestions and helping find the cause of my strange results. In light of this incorrect crystal, the system runs fine. I'll probably replace this crystal, but at least I now know what's going on.
It's very unusual for a crystal to be off by this much. I suspect that the wrong kind of crystal was specified for the board, rather than the crystal itself being defective. The Propeller specs call for a parallel-resonant crystal with about a 20pF load capacitance (for 5MHz). If you were to substitute a series-resonant crystal or one with the wrong load capacitance, you might well see a frequency discrepancy
Thanks for pointing that out. I'll let the engineer who designs and builds our boards know. I did look at the crystal to verify that it was 5Mhz, but I didn't realize that a series-resonant crystal or incorrect load capacitance might cause this large of an error.
Thanks again for all you help.