QTI sensors
Posts: 1,023
Hi All,
I'm playing with converting one of my Sumobots to a Prop, as part of a sumo class I am doing with some very bright students. My hope is to have them convert their bots over to a Prop as well, once we finish playing with them as BS2's.
Anyway, I'm having trouble with the QTI sensors. I dug through my personal archive and found lots of posts. I have tried using every variant of RCTIME (RC decay etc). I have tried replacing the 470 ohm resistor with a 330 (pulling the trace up on one sensor, grr) running them at 5V with a 1k resistor in series, everything I can think of. However, I get no variation of the readings, it always reads the same within a few counts. Here is the latest code:
Any Ideas?
www.madlabs.info - Home of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Robot
I'm playing with converting one of my Sumobots to a Prop, as part of a sumo class I am doing with some very bright students. My hope is to have them convert their bots over to a Prop as well, once we finish playing with them as BS2's.
Anyway, I'm having trouble with the QTI sensors. I dug through my personal archive and found lots of posts. I have tried using every variant of RCTIME (RC decay etc). I have tried replacing the 470 ohm resistor with a 330 (pulling the trace up on one sensor, grr) running them at 5V with a 1k resistor in series, everything I can think of. However, I get no variation of the readings, it always reads the same within a few counts. Here is the latest code:
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' PropTerm #0, WHITE,CYAN,RED,PINK,BLUE,GREEN,YELLOW,GRAY lLine = 6 rLine = 7 VAR long lLineSens, rLineSens OBJ term : "PC_Interface RC :"Rc Decay.spin" ': "RCTIME" PUB init term.start(31,30) term.out(0) wait_ms(1000) term.str(string("Template.")) wait_ms(1000) term.out(0) repeat lLineSens := rc.decay(0) rLineSens := rc.decay(1) term.str(string("Left: ")) term.dec(lLineSens) term.str(string(" Right: ")) term.dec(rLineSens) wait_ms(500) term.out(0)
Any Ideas?
www.madlabs.info - Home of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Robot
If your program worked, I wouldn't care, but it doesn't work and something in one of these items may be causing problems. There's no way to know.
PC_Interface = the PropTerm debug window
RC_decay = a spin program to read QTI sensors written by Beau
wait_ms is a simple pause routine, works fine, here it is:
The usage I am using above is as the sample code, *if* I understand it correctly. I have also tried implementing it with the same charge/discharge cycle as in the standard sumobot code. Still no joy.
www.madlabs.info - Home of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Robot
I had the white and red wires backwards. I had always *assumed* their functions and used them with the BS2 Sumo. A glance at the QTI schematic sorted that out. Hehe, well, live and learn. Sorry to all who lost some of their lives over this. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
www.madlabs.info - Home of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Robot