Pan and tilt antenna mount?
Anyone have experience suggestions for pan/tilt mounts? Particularly, I need a mount that can handle ~12 patch antenna with a couple other lighter items.
This looks interesting, and cheap, but the mount is a little too small for my purposes:
Everything else I could find on the web where really expensive commercial units. I imagine that these things aren't too hard to build, but I just don't have access to the right machining tools.
This looks interesting, and cheap, but the mount is a little too small for my purposes:
Everything else I could find on the web where really expensive commercial units. I imagine that these things aren't too hard to build, but I just don't have access to the right machining tools.
Search Google for alt-azimuth telescope mounts. They're a lot less than expensive than, say, ham radio azimuth/elevation rotators. Just make sure, if you buy one, that the slew rate will be fast enough to track your target.
As for the mount, I've got a TON of NEMA 23 motors left over from a big buy I did. Would these work for your application, Nick?
Take a look at what ServoCity has to offer for pan and tilt gear here:
Most of this is standard hobby servo or standard hobby servo signal driven so interface with Parallax based control is easy. Let us know if this fills the bill.
That was a really nice link... thanks.
If Parallax would offer something like this... I'd buy it[noparse]:)[/noparse]
Servo city also looks like a good resource, if not for an antenna mount.
They have a very smooth action and can track motion pretty well. Servos and stepper driven systems can be choppy in the movement depending on the gearing of the stepper and/or the resolution of the servo.
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