Propellor Multitask
Posts: 10
I·do not·know much about the propellor but very interested in it. I have been playing around with the BS2 homework board and starting to get back my interest with the electronics hobby. I have been writing programs with the BS2 trying to integrate·it into my rc airplane. The problem with the BS2 is·controlling a servo and trying to do other tasks like·monitor I/O and timers·at the same time. I just ordered a whole bunch of components like the PWMPAL and the GPS module among other things to help. I have experience with PLC's and ladder logic programming.·PLC's are very expensive and impractical for what I want to do. Is it possible for the propellor to control·a servo and other functions like timers and counters·at the same time?
Well, the Prop is 3.3v based and needs interfacing glue for 5v signals but this is usually easily solved with a 1K or 2K resistor in series with the 5V signal in (but not always, it depends on the bandwidth you need, at very high frequencies the resistor approach will not work). Check the Propeller Hardware stickies at the top of the forum page for info.
The USB stick version is good but it can only source a few ma for external circuitry from its voltage regulator. I'd go with the 40 pin version, it includes a Prop Clip for USB interface. You can the use this for other projects too.
On the other hand, the PropStick USB is pretty nice (I have two) and works just fine if you don't need it to source much externally.
You can also use the USB connection on either the PropStick USB or the ProtoBoard for debugging also - It just shows up as a standard serial port, and the Prop comes with nice libraries for serial communication, printing numeric values, strings, characters, etc.
A one amp switching supply? Are you looking for trouble - RF noise, spikes, etc? Please consider carefully what you are planning.
My thinking for this module. Small, code security, work as end product and development platform. Great pains have been taken to keep it only slightly larger then the 40pin dip prop pins to line up with a bread board, and make it so that if used for end product no one can download or alter your code.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
$50CAN for main module(prop, eeprom, crystal, data protection system
$10CAN for real time clock(clock, crystal, lythium battery)
$17CAN for power supply.
Exchange rate right now is about 1.22 right now so module is about $40US
The power supply can be left unpopulated when shipped so you can solder on the parts your self if you need them later. The RTC though because of the safety features must be put on at time of manufacturer if you want it(though I can leave off the battery and crystal saving you $5)
If populated the switching supply can run your project and the module.