What ADC to use with Cam 2a for interfacing with Propeller?
Hello, Component question. I want to interface a CAM2a camera with a propeller via an ADC chip. Hanno suggests using TLC 5540. I was wandering whether the ADC0804 (which I can get from Rapid Electronics www.rapidonline.com/Electronic-Components/Integrated-Circuits/Converters/Analogue-to-digital-converters/34429/kw/adc ) would work as I can not find a TLC 5540 in a DIL package inside the UK
Even better than the TLC 5540 is the ADC 08100. See here for datasheet
It's low voltage (3V), so it can be clocked straight from the Propeller (unlike the TLC5540). It also comes in versions up to 100msps!
It's a tssop which isn't too hard to solder. Here's a schematic for hooking the cam2 up to the propeller:
Airspace V - international hangar flying!
www.airspace-v.com/ggadgets for tools & toys
The last video on my video page shows how I use ViewPort to get my Dancebot to follow a line using this camera.
I used this camera/sensor because it was tiny, cheap, and outputs a monochrome ntsc signal which ViewPort's VideoCapture object can grab.
They currently have C-Cam2AX for $18.50. is this the same? I hope so because I ordered one.
Uh-oh, I shouldn't have told you. They will be sold out when I'll order one...
Airspace V - international hangar flying!
www.airspace-v.com/ggadgets for tools & toys
I have mine working, however the camera resolution is very low quailty, not even useable.
Is there anywhere in UK (or even europe) i can buy this ADC 08100 chip?
Thank you.