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Questions on AVR I/O

LexLex Posts: 13
edited 2009-02-21 03:09 in BASIC Stamp
I'm using the BS2pe motherboard + power I/O DB due to the need for the color sensor. Thus, I'm left only with 6 I/O ports.

Ports A0 & A1 are labeled as "AVR I/O & analog input". How can I utilize these ports, as in, do I treat them as pin 0 & 1???

My intention is to use these 6 ports for the shift registers (3 for input, 3 for output), so as to expand the ports.

Is this feasible?


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2009-02-20 16:24
    Have you read the documentation for the AVR co-processors (GPIO3 Manual)? Look at the links on the product page for the motherboard.

    The co-processors come pre-programmed to do various kinds of I/O for the BS2pe. The source program is available and can be modified for special purposes.
  • LexLex Posts: 13
    edited 2009-02-21 02:41
    I've read the GPIO manual. The following code is used for checking the firmware installed:

    OWOUT Owio, 0, [noparse][[/noparse]$DD]
    OWIN Owio, 0, [noparse][[/noparse]I, J, K]
    DEBUG " Device: ", I, J, ", Version: ", DEC K

    How should i address "Owio"?
    445 x 160 - 24K
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2009-02-21 03:07
    OWIO is pin 10 for coprocessor "A"; pin 6 for "B". The MoBoStamp-pe doc includes a full schematic, so you can see which pins connect where, which have pullups, series resistors, etc.

  • LexLex Posts: 13
    edited 2009-02-21 03:09
    Oh, so that's the comm port.

    Thanx Phil
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