gated turnstile rapid proto using BS2 and PDB
as a security integrator, I have several customers who have gated turnstiles of some type in their corporate lobby area for visitor management. and generally about once every two or three months, I end up having to go to their site to work on them. now my boss (being the capitialist that he loves to be lol) goes bug-eyed every time we get an invoice in from one of the manufacturers of these lovely contraptions for a replacement part - specifically the hefty price tag lol! and every time, he swears that we could do it cheaper and better. so finally I decided to put it to the test. after working my way through the "What is a microcontroller?" kit and the "Stampworks" kit, I started laying out my idea and came up with this. please keep in mind that this is just a quick build to prove a point, and not a finished "production item" by any means. but it did prove enough of a point to my boss that he is willing to invest towards us developing a production model. your comments and thoughts would be appreciated on this project. sample code, schematics and pictures attached below. thanks!
It would be easier for other members if you posted the code as a .BS2 file or put it in a ZIP file rather than PDF. Many will find it difficult to get the code from the PDF document to the BASIC Stamp Editor, and the formatting will almost surely be lost. It is a nice concept. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering