Help with a DC motor and board of education
Posts: 2
Hey, I wanted to try to put DC motors on my boe-bot instead of the standard servos because they are pretty slow, I don't know if i'm looking for the wrong things, but I can't find out how I would do that. If you could help me, I will be very thankful.
Note that it's hard to control the speed of a DC motor using just an H-bridge and a Stamp. These normally use what's called PWM (pulse width modulation) to control speed and the PWM command in PBasic doesn't quite do what you need for this. The DC motor controllers like Pololu's do handle speed properly.
You might try using an L298HN motor driver - - they are good for 3 amps and around 30 volts.
Check out Pyro-Electro web site, he shows how to wire one up.
I have one up on a breadboard operating the direction of an HO locomotive - the only thing I had
to change was instead of running a 10 ohm resistor to the current sensing line, just used a wire.· The
10 ohm resistance would not allow the motor to operate.
Hope this helps you.
Andy Lindsay
Education Department
Parallax, Inc.
I also want to use 3 dc motors so do i need 3 Micro Dual Serial Motor Controller? can't i use something else like biStep 710 etc???
An hour's contemplation is better than a year's adoration.
An hour's contemplation is better than a year's adoration.
An hour's contemplation is better than a year's adoration.
Take a look at this link.· It·mentions stacking sn754410s, a quad half-H driver IC, to increase its current handling capability.· Maybe a more economical·option to consider.