I'm new to the boe bot
I've been trying to run through the book, and I just can't seem to get the sensors to work right. I've hooked up the IR sensors, and the Whiskers both came straight out of the book, I've rewired both multiple times and still nothing.
on the Whisker test program both whiskers stay = 0 new change at all, and with the IR sensors the program tests the left IR and it always says set to 1 meaning something is in front of the IR.
anyone have any ideas? you think it could be a hardware issue?
the BS2 seems to be working ok and I have the piezpseaker working fine on the breadboard.
any help would be appreciated [noparse]:)[/noparse]
on the Whisker test program both whiskers stay = 0 new change at all, and with the IR sensors the program tests the left IR and it always says set to 1 meaning something is in front of the IR.
anyone have any ideas? you think it could be a hardware issue?
the BS2 seems to be working ok and I have the piezpseaker working fine on the breadboard.
any help would be appreciated [noparse]:)[/noparse]
- Stephen
Whenever a program isn't working as it should, there are a few things I always check to help diagnose the problem:
- Resistor Color Codes – Make sure you have the right resistors connected to the right devices.· It's a simple error to make, and always good to double check.
- Pin Connections – Check that each wire or resistor is connected to the right pin.· Sometimes it can be hard to tell, so I always count to make sure I’ve plugged the wire into Pin A and not Pin A +/- 1
- Lead Connection – When working with IR and color LEDs, the simplest mistake to make is plugging the LED in backwards.· When working on Chapter 7: Navigating with Infrared Headlights in Robotics with the Boe-Bot, make sure the longer leads are connected to the resistors and not the middle pin of the infrared detectors.
- Swap LEDs – Since one of you IR LEDs always reports a 1, and the other works as expected, swap IR LEDs to see if that makes a difference. ·If the right one still works and the left is still always reporting a 1, there is probably a problem with your connection to the left IR Object Detection circuit.
- IR Interference – This can also cause an IR Object Detection circuit to always report a 1.· To see if this is the problem, skip ahead to page 246 in Robotics with the Boe-Bot and run IrInterferenceSniffer.bs2.· If the Boe-Bot constantly beeps, that means something is interfering with your circuit.
·I hope this helps!· Happy Developing!
Jessica Uelmen
Education Department
Parallax, Inc.