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About useing Optical mouse sensor data (help) — Parallax Forums

About useing Optical mouse sensor data (help)

NemoNemo Posts: 1
edited 2009-02-10 01:51 in BASIC Stamp
I'm trying to use a optical mouse to·read the·data of motion·, but there is a big problem I have met,
I·need using a bs2 controller·to read data from·ADNS-6010 chip(avago)·but·the data transform are·Synchronous Serial Port, the following is the code I wrote:

' {$STAMP BS2px}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
Ncs············ PIN···· 0
MISO··········· PIN···· 1
MOSI··········· PIN···· 3
Clk············ PIN···· 2
lay············ PIN···· 4
res············ PIN···· 8
mot········ VAR···· Byte
dx········· VAR···· Byte
dy········· VAR···· Byte
squal······ VAR···· Byte
shut_up···· VAR···· Byte
shut_low··· VAR···· Byte
mx_pix····· VAR···· Byte
· HIGH Ncs
· LOW lay

· DO
··· LOW Ncs
··· SHIFTOUT MOSI, Clk, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]$50]
··· SHIFTIN MISO , Clk, MSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]mot\8, dx\8, dy\8, squal\8, shut_up\8, shut_low\8, mx_pix\8]
··· HIGH Ncs
··· HIGH lay
··· SEROUT 15, 16780, [noparse][[/noparse]dx,dy,mot]···· ' useing rs232 to pc


Unfortunately, the MISO prot data which bs2 controller·read was·not right·, pc rs232 view (0,0,0)
why , i want to know how to write the code to reading the mouse motion data?
please help me , thx

Post Edited (Nemo) : 2/9/2009 4:17:22 PM GMT


  • VbGuruVbGuru Posts: 35
    edited 2009-02-10 01:51
    Looked at doing this a long time ago. There is a person on here who helped me. The best i could get was relative direction, nothing good enough for dead-reckoning or even to have a robot run around a small 2'x2' box and not hit a wall.

    I tried the Al williams PAK, But again it just wasnt what i was looking for as it had the same problem with accuracy.· I would like to say the he was VERY HELPFUL.

    ··Quote from another·post:····· "Al Williams has coprocessors to read a mouse and output serial position data."

    I also tinkered with the "seeing·eye mouse" and still had mild success. Again here the guy was VERY HELPFUL

    ···Post about it·····

    You might also try looking at the EZMOUSE. this one i had the least success with.

    ·· ·

    ·now that i got all of the writing done·i found my old posts.... my best offer to you would be to get in touch with·Tristan T:

    my original posts are· here

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