Seeking Propeller Consultant in LA
My name is Jeff Parisse and I own kVA Effects, a Hollywood special effects company that specializes in high voltage. I am·looking for a·consultant in the Los Angeles area that can give me a “manager’s level” crash course in Spin programming.
I have completed several basic stamp projects over the years including a few that were self authored. My Spin needs are extremely simple because I usually hire engineers to complete complex tasks. I wish to gain the ability to write simple code but more importantly gain a better overview of the Propeller platform so I can manage people better.
My immediate task involves sending serial strings to servo controllers. Call· 310-748-5893 if interested.
I have completed several basic stamp projects over the years including a few that were self authored. My Spin needs are extremely simple because I usually hire engineers to complete complex tasks. I wish to gain the ability to write simple code but more importantly gain a better overview of the Propeller platform so I can manage people better.
My immediate task involves sending serial strings to servo controllers. Call· 310-748-5893 if interested.
If you will state your exact problem... you will learn enough Spin to manage people by the answers provided in this forum[noparse]:)[/noparse]
What your guys need is a personal demo board, a couple of proto boards, samples of all the sensors you think they will ever need and about two weeks to play with it all.
If that doesn't work... there are several guys here about a year away from graduating.
There are also guys in England, Ireland, Hong Kong, Scandinavia, Australia, Russia and China, who actively contribute to the forum and could prototype for you at a moment's notice. Your guys could take the prototypes and configure them as needed.
By the way, once programmed, you can cut the protoboard down to a package about the size of a postage stamp.
What a community! TChapman is just down the street and in my same industry. An R/C buddy of mine in Shanghi wrote me and all this in a few hours!
Thanks for the replies and since I'm attempting to learn something (grin) perhaps I'll start a threat with my specific mini-project plan to get me started in Spin (lite). The proto board just arrived and working that Parallax serial servo driver is my first task.
I feel warmly welcomed... Thanks to all!
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Certainly if you need help you can post questions and such here. the community is really active and helpful. If you need other help feel free to send me a PM or an e-mail and we can discuss specifics.
I am still working for Birket and right now I am living in Hong Kong (moved here from Orlando two years ago) doing product design and work for HK Disneyland and Universal Studios Singapore. Let me know if you will be in the region at all. Sometime this year I hope to make it back to Hollywood and be in town and maybe we can meet.
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, uOLED-IOC, eProto for SunSPOT, BitScope