I/O Pins and Indexing
COUNT, PULSIN, and the like require the specification of a Pin (e.g. RB.4, RC.0).· Can I base that on a VARiable?·
Hz·VAR RB.4 isn't what I'm after.
More like --
FOR idx = 0 TO 3
··PULSIN RB.idx,...·· ' RB.0, RB.1, RB.2, RB.3
· NEXT idx
Hz·VAR RB.4 isn't what I'm after.
More like --
FOR idx = 0 TO 3
··PULSIN RB.idx,...·· ' RB.0, RB.1, RB.2, RB.3
· NEXT idx
I was figuring there must be a way to rifle through the hardware pins as part of a FOR...NEXT, instead of writing a line for each which takes up a lot of program space.· Not just for PULSIN, but for COUNT and others requiring a Pin.
It's not like I was planning on "Plan B", but, on to "Plan B" (custom functions.)
Attached is my library PortPins that is part of my Dynamic Virtual Peripheral library suite
that I am currently writing. Ports are encoded in bytes, portpins are encoded in words,
which allows to perform functions on multiple pins per port (eg. set 3 pins of RB high).
The routines use assembly to save code and increase speed.
No variables or locals are required by this library.
This can be useful if you want to write sxb functions that take custom ports and pins.
The actual subroutines and functions are in the INC file.
The Demo file shows how to import the library.
regards peter
Thanks for your Reply.·
I shall study the material.
(Looks like others have been interested, too.)
-- PJA --
I've had a look at your library; I think this is an excellent idea. I like having the ports enumerated with the pins.
I was wondering though - have you considered using the @ capability in SX/B2 to alias the ports? ie
ports var byte(3) @$05
then you can access using variable indexing ...
That is another possibility. But to find the specific port you then must compare bytes
or use the IND and FSR register. That requires cycles. The definitions for the
ports as used are the easiest way to find a specific port without altering fsr and
using ind. (in assembly: snb dvpPort.0 if not portA). As said, that library is
part of a suite. I am close to completing the VP library. I can already reveal that it
acts as the javelin in that you can start and stop virtual peripherals. Each VP
is split into states that·take exactly 21 cycles. With 6 VP's running
and including the overhead, the isr takes 196 cycles every time. Lower
the number of VP's and you gain 21 cycles per dropped VP. This allows
to combine VP's with TASKS.
regards peter
Actually SX/B2 is missing a trick with the @·on the var instruction (this array doesn't require the bank-reset) - without that the lead would be a little greater
ReadPort:······················· ;FUNC ReadPort
· MOV W,#ports·················· ;· return Ports(__PARAM1)
· ADD W,__PARAM1···············
· MOV FSR,W····················
· MOV __PARAM1,IND·············
· BANK $00·····················
· RETP·························
································ ;· endfunc
dvpPortRead:···················· ;FUNC dvpPortRead
· ; ASM························· ;· asm
· ; ENDASM······················ ;· endasm
· MOV __PARAM1,W················ ;· __param1 = w
· RETP·························· ;· return __param1
You are right it takes less cycles, but only if fsr may be destroyed.
In my interrupt code, the code can run for more than 1 bank so I
would need to save fsr in a global register. For the sx48 with STACK in use,
there are ZERO free global ram bytes, so using a global ram means first
saving it (and restoring afterwards) which adds even more cycles.
The isr code I have now does not use any global ram byte.
You can easily convert an index based value
for portindex=0 to 4
· __param1 = 1 << portindex
· dvpPinWrite __param1,$FF,$00 'make all pin latches low
regards peter