Serial Comms with Visual Basic
Posts: 65
First let me apologize for coming back· (again ) with questions re: Visual Basic on a propeller forum... I am pretty close to what I want to be able to do with the propeller, and the serial interface is important to me, and I feel like I am so close...
I·have a form with which I can communicate with the propeller, I can write to the propeller like I want and I can read from the propeller if I use a button and· SerialPort1.Read Existing.
If I try to use the DataReceived event to put the data in a text box , I get a cross thread error.
I got the following from an old thread in an·MSDN·forum and I think I see what the guy is doing... sort of.
He created another Sub:·· DisplayText ... I think to put the received data into a text box avoiding the cross thread error.
I have both the data received event handler and the Display Text event here.· I have bolded the line that I don't understand.· I get a "type SetTextCallback is not defined" error.
I don't know what to do with this, and it was not explained in the forum.
I think if I could get this I could work the rest out.
Private Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As······································ System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived
· Dim strInData As String = SerialPort1.ReadExisting ' read the data
· DisplayText(strInData) ' use threadsafe way to write to StatusTextbox
End Sub
' This method demonstrates a pattern for making thread-safe TextBox Displays
Private Sub DisplayText(ByVal [noparse][[/noparse]text] As String)
' InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
' calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
' If these threads are different, it returns true.
If Me.txtReceivedText.InvokeRequired Then
·· Dim d As New SetTextCallback(AddressOf DisplayText)·····
·· Me.Invoke(d, New Object() {[noparse][[/noparse]text]})
·· Me.txtReceivedText.Text += [noparse][[/noparse]text]
·· End If
End Sub
thanks for your help (again )· and your patience.
I·have a form with which I can communicate with the propeller, I can write to the propeller like I want and I can read from the propeller if I use a button and· SerialPort1.Read Existing.
If I try to use the DataReceived event to put the data in a text box , I get a cross thread error.
I got the following from an old thread in an·MSDN·forum and I think I see what the guy is doing... sort of.
He created another Sub:·· DisplayText ... I think to put the received data into a text box avoiding the cross thread error.
I have both the data received event handler and the Display Text event here.· I have bolded the line that I don't understand.· I get a "type SetTextCallback is not defined" error.
I don't know what to do with this, and it was not explained in the forum.
I think if I could get this I could work the rest out.
Private Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As······································ System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived
· Dim strInData As String = SerialPort1.ReadExisting ' read the data
· DisplayText(strInData) ' use threadsafe way to write to StatusTextbox
End Sub
' This method demonstrates a pattern for making thread-safe TextBox Displays
Private Sub DisplayText(ByVal [noparse][[/noparse]text] As String)
' InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
' calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
' If these threads are different, it returns true.
If Me.txtReceivedText.InvokeRequired Then
·· Dim d As New SetTextCallback(AddressOf DisplayText)·····
·· Me.Invoke(d, New Object() {[noparse][[/noparse]text]})
·· Me.txtReceivedText.Text += [noparse][[/noparse]text]
·· End If
End Sub
thanks for your help (again )· and your patience.
As a note , in some circumstances where you are testing and want something quick and simple you can dispose of after testing adding the line CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls=False·in the Form load event will prevent the errors, just a temporary fix.
Jeff T.
MS have to use up the GB's of memory somehow !
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You will find that it more efficient than vb6 MSComm controls. Once the initial curve is breached it becomes second nature.
'Necessity is the mother of invention'
Those who can, do.Those who can’t, teach.
Sub ReadSerialPort()
Dim BytesToRead As Integer ' get in batches
Dim i As Integer
Dim Character As String
Timer1.Enabled = False
If SerialPort.BytesToRead = 0 Then Exit Do ' no more bytes
BytesToRead = SerialPort.BytesToRead
If BytesToRead > 2000 Then BytesToRead = 2000
SerialPort.Read(InPacket, 0, BytesToRead) ' read in a packet
For i = 1 To BytesToRead
Character = Strings.Chr(InPacket(i - 1))
Call DisplayCharacter(Character)
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
'Necessity is the mother of invention'
Those who can, do.Those who can’t, teach.
Jeff T.
I would like to post a simple serial communication program written in Visual Basic Express, and a simple spin program to go along with it.
I got most all this stuff from others and I appreciate the help I got here.· My reason for posting this is kind of a pay it forward thing.
It's certainly not fancy, but it's simple enough that I think it might be useful to someone who is in the position I was in a few weeks ago ... trying to communicate with a prop using VB and not having much success.
It's in Word Pad because the attatchment manager would not let me upload the code from VB express.·
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering