Motor Mount Wheel Kit and Propeller
When you connect the position controller DATA line [noparse][[/noparse]+5 volts] to the Propeller [noparse][[/noparse]+3.3 CMOS] are you suposed to add a resistor to the connection?
I'm using a Propeller Proto Board.
I'm using a Propeller Proto Board.
Thanks for the information on the connection between the Propeller and the MMWK DATA pins. After I saw your note, I put in a 1k resistor between the Propeller and the MMWK position controllers DATA pins. I just ran a test, and the position controllers are working.
Today, on the Propeller Proto Board, I soldered in a Parallax 20-pin header, to hold an eb500 Bluetooth transceiver, and I also soldered in three 3-pin single row headers, two for the MMWK position controllers, and one for a connection to a Parallax 4X20 LCD display (for debugging). I'm planning to control the MMWK robot from my pc, and display the readings from the position controllers and the other sensors on the pc screen.
You might want to take a look at my MMWK Base Motor Controller written in Spin:
If you are going to send·a Robot·to save the world, you·better make sure it likes it the way it is!
Thanks for the information on your MMWK Base Motor Controller spin program. It looks great! I just printed your program and I'm getting familiar with the code that you have for Forward, Reverse, Backup, VeerLeft, and VeerRight.
Are you using wireless communications? You mentioned the Parallax Simple Terminal. I'm not familiar with that software.
I am setting up to use a pair of XBee 2.5 2mw modules to communicate between my PC and my Robot.
I plan to use RobotBasic on a PC to guide the Robot around my house via the XBee RF link. The Robot will respond to directional commands and send back telemetry like sensor data, speed, direction, length of travel, etc.
I have a 1.2GHz RF link that transmits live video from an onboard CCD camera for use by RobotBasic during Robot navigation.
If you are going to send·a Robot·to save the world, you·better make sure it likes it the way it is!
Post Edited (Tom C) : 2/5/2009 6:10:04 PM GMT