What is the name of the song that the 16th Century Singing Demo is based on?
Eddie Nolan
Posts: 11
Not a vital topic, to be sure, but it's driving me crazy not knowing what that song is.
Not a vital topic, to be sure, but it's driving me crazy not knowing what that song is.
This music has been used with many words. Issac Watts - Ye Nations Round the Earth - for example
I too found this music interesting. While absolutely not religious myself, I linked it back to the Lutheran Psalter. My interest in medieval music came progressively as listening to 'neutral' harmonics while programming long into the night. I was astonished by Parallax's demo of a propeller as the main playing 'instrument'. Since most medieval hymns are very difficult to find (and expensive!) or not even recorded at all, I got the idea of writing a software that would automatically transcribe freely available neumes partitions into digital files adapted to MIDI (or to the propeller). It's an on-and-off project (among so many others), not as complicated as it sounds.
This hymn uses '4-voices'. Now imagine what would sound the 40-voices (yes, 40) motet SPEM IN ALIUM from Thomas Tallis (1505–1585)!
If you liked so much that Psalm, may I suggest two other composers that I find similiarly 'obsessing': Antoine Brumel (1460–1512) SEQUENTIA 'DIES IRAE DIES ILLA', and Heinrich Schutz (1585-1672) ALSO HAT GOTT DIE WELT GELIEBST, SWV.380.