Holonomic roamer
OmniBOT is a three-wheeled platform using three holonomic wheels and a Basic Stamp mounted on a BOE.· The sensors are I.R. and Ping ultrasonic.· The code is revised from the autonomous roaming program originally writtin for the BOEbot.· This was an ideal and innexpensive platform for experimenting with holonomic movement.
Here·are the links:
Here·are the links:

Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
My apologies about my posting in the wrong spot.· I actually knew better, just wasn't thinkin.· Thanks.·
Thanks for the comments.· Keep in mind that the Parallax continuous rotation servos offer plenty of torque for carpet roaming.· It's wheel diameter that matters in this case.· I could have done better with larger wheels...I simply used what I had laying around.· They run on carpet fine...it's traversing from hard floor to carpet and vice versa that could provide a bit of drag.
Could you point me to where you got the robot parts. I like to see different components to build a robot body [noparse]:)[/noparse]
The wheels are 4cm holonomic rubberized for traction, available through Acroname Robotics.· You can also do a web search for holonomic wheels.· Again, a larger diameter would afford greater surface movement alacrity.· The chassis was constructed from components purchased from Budget Robotics.· There's also some scrap components I adapted for this prototype.· The brain, sensor, servos and modified code·are Parallax through and through.
heres a link.