Reading a vehicle's speed sensor?
I am working on a small project that needs to be able to read a vehicle's speed sensor. I am not sure how to go about wiring it up or what command to use to read it. From what I have read, the speed sensor is some kind of pulse generator that just has 2 wires coming from it and when a slotted disk passes over it, it sends some form of a signal. If anyone has any ideas on how to read it or how to wire it up, I would greatly appreciate the help!
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·The next time you need a hero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
I don't have a talon manuel but i will bet that is a reluctor type setup, basically it is an inductive pickup, sort of like a guitar. with reloctor type setups it is common to have a 40 tooth tone wheel, ie: hz/40=rpm. a good write up on the signal can be found here:
your going to need a manuel or an o-scope (or both) depending on how good you library is where you are they may have factory manuals although a chilton's many have the info. basically your looking for a wiring diagram.
any help?
Post Edited (lincoln) : 2/3/2009 1:33:00 AM GMT
Post Edited (lincoln) : 2/3/2009 3:27:58 AM GMT
hz/(#teeth on tone wheel) = rpm(driveline)
rpm(driveline) * diff ratio * circumference of tires / 12" /5280' * 60minuts= mph
or have a pace car /gps and make table of raw pulsin data and you can figure a simplified formula
Post Edited (lincoln) : 2/3/2009 3:44:22 AM GMT
2200 / 40 = 55MPH
2200 / 35 = 62MPH
· tempW = 2200 / value ' tempW is a WORD var and value is a BYTE from PULSIN
· If this works, then you can also use 22000 / value to get MPH * 10. This will give you one place past the decimal point.
22000 / 40 = 550 ' really 55.0 MPH
22000 / 35 = 628 ' really 62.8 MPH
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·The next time you need a hero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
Post Edited (Bean (Hitt Consulting)) : 2/5/2009 3:03:43 AM GMT