Daily deal, Jan 29 - Protoboard
Posts: 1,930
For those who don't check the Daily Deal all the time, Proto boards are on for $18 today.
- Rick
It's the red bar / banner near the top of the main page.
Rgds, David
That's why it's a 24 hour period...
Rgds, David
I think this program is excellent, now, if I need parts I usually wait until at least one part appears on the daily deal - I still seem to get a different delivery person every time though.
Note: one of the best things about their site is the fact that the cart does not timeout for 24 hours so you can add parts throughout the day.
I don't want to get into details but the sales dept at Parallax is exceptional and very helpful - they have personally helped me out with volume orders.
thank you
Basic Stamp,···· Propeller,·· · SX,·· FUN!
>Proccessing Data. . . .··
>Task Complete. . .·.
>Saving Data. . . .
>Entering SLEEP Mode. . . .
>Signing OFF
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Cheers, JJ
Still a mite annoyed that we do not get half decent UK prices - absolutely slammed by the UKP/USD exchange rate. An its snowing again! Us brits like to complain about the weather.