Debug in Char, BS2_Functions, No recive permant cog lockup
Posts: 243
So I am trying to get a char that has been sent from the PST terminal.
In the past this has worked, I cant seem to figure out what is going on...
I get nothing on the screen showing a recived byte, it just seems to perma hang.
Here is the Idea behind the test program, I know the cog is running becuase the LCD screen shows "ON", When it recives a char, it should then transmit it to the LCD Screen, letting me know it is working.
·So any ideas on what is going on?
In the past this has worked, I cant seem to figure out what is going on...
I get nothing on the screen showing a recived byte, it just seems to perma hang.
Here is the Idea behind the test program, I know the cog is running becuase the LCD screen shows "ON", When it recives a char, it should then transmit it to the LCD Screen, letting me know it is working.
'Started by Var Stack5[noparse][[/noparse]100] Pub Run '' Other setup sutff cognew(Datain,@stack5) Pub Datain | Input lcd.init(27, 9600, 4) lcd.cls lcd.str(string("ON")) bs2.start(31,30) repeat input := bs2.debugin_char lcd.putc(input) if input == "S" Transmit := true if input == "E" Transmit := false if input == "Z" '' Save sensor zero point. if input == "M" '' Start manual control mode. if input == "C" 'Save compass calibration. '' The bs2 function calls this PUB DEBUGIN_CHAR : ByteVal {{ Accepts a single serial character (byte) on DEBUGIN_Pin at 9600 Baud Will cause cog-lockup while waiting without a cog-watchdog (see example) x := BS2.DEBUGIN_Char BS2.DEBUG_Char(x) }} ByteVal := SERIN_CHAR(DEBUGIN_PIN,DEBUG_BAUD,DEBUG_MODE,8)' Send character using SEROUT_Char 'Which then calls PUB SERIN_CHAR(pin, Baud, Mode, Bits) : ByteVal | x, BR {{ Accepts asynchronous character (byte) on defined pin, at Baud, in Mode for #bits Mode: 0 = Inverted - Normally low Constant: BS2#Inv 1 = Non-Inverted - Normally High Constant: BS2#NInv x:= BS2.SERIN_Char(5,DEBUG_Baud,BS2#NInv,8) BS2.Debug_Char(x) BS2.Debug_DEC(x) }} BR := 1_000_000 / Baud ' Calculate bit rate dira[noparse][[/noparse]PIN]~ ' Set as input waitpeq(Mode << PIN, |< PIN, 0) ' Wait for idle waitpne(Mode << PIN, |< PIN, 0) ' WAit for Start bit pause_us(BR*100/90) ' Pause to be centered in 1st bit time byteVal := ina[noparse][[/noparse]Pin] ' Read LSB If Mode == 1 Repeat x from 1 to Bits-1 ' Number of bits - 1 pause_us(BR-70) ' Wait until center of next bit ByteVal := ByteVal | (ina[noparse][[/noparse]Pin] << x) ' Read next bit, shift and store else Repeat x from 1 to Bits-1 ' Number of bits - 1 pause_us(BR-70) ' Wait until center of next bit ByteVal := ByteVal | ((ina[noparse][[/noparse]Pin]^1)<< x) ' Read next bit, shift and store
·So any ideas on what is going on?