Good Buy On Oscilloscope or Trash?
Posts: 215
I know I should have came here first, but I couldn't pass up a deal last night on ebay. After my usual episode of buyer remorse I started thinking that it might just be too good of a deal. The item in question is an LG 0S-5020 2ch 20Mhz scope. It has a few handy features like TV synch but does not have storage. The buy it now was 80 bucks! A reason I jumped on it, but also a reason after further reflection that there maybe something wrong. I've researched the net and brand new these guys cost about 4x's the buy it now price. It could just be that they want to move the equipment but it also may be that there is something wrong. My biggest red flag was the fact that the seller does not accept returns on this item. Anybody have any feedback they want to give me? It's not a lot of money but I've been sorely lacking a decent oscope on my bench for awhile now since my ancient tektronix took a dump a few years ago. This model actually has the same features as my "top of the line" scope that I bought about 20 years ago (I know, I know) and it would be an excellent replacement that won't break the bank.
Oops, forgot to post the auction link:
Oops, forgot to post the auction link:
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·The next time you need a hero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
Even if it doesn't work, Maybe it can repaired!
If not Parallax has a nice PC-Oscope. Its about the size of a "Hot Pocket" It has 2 ch.w/ext.trigger on rising or falling edge, 1Meg input impedance, works great with Micros. and logic level signals. And its powered by the USB jack.The software comes on a CD or can be downloaded free from Parallax.
This is the Part#28014 for the Oscope.
I use this Oscope All the time, Its a Key component in My Tool Resource.
I also have a tektronix Oscope at work, its a mid 1980's model. I think ~200Mhz X 2ch. The Parallax Oscope will out perform the high dollar Tektronix Oscope reading TTL levels all day long, At the speed mosts Stamps run at.
___Don't mean to sound like a sales man,But its a good Little scope for the price_________$WMc%____________
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA