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Improved LOAD instruction (SX/B 2.0) — Parallax Forums

Improved LOAD instruction (SX/B 2.0)

JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,214
edited 2009-02-03 19:36 in General Discussion
[noparse][[/noparse]Edited per suggestion from PV]

One of the improvements in SX/B 2.0 is that the LOAD instruction may now appear at any point in a listing; this makes the use of libraries a little easier. I create two files for each library: library_def.sxb (sub/func declarations) and library_inc.sxb (working code). I keep my library files in a folder on the root of my development drive so that it's easy to get to.

Here's an easy one that is in almost all of my programs: DELAYS -- this has routines called DELAY_MS (replaces PAUSE) and DELAY_US (replaces PAUSEUS). You may pass a byte or word value and neither of these routines require any user variables. Note that these routines are intended for programs that don't use interrupts (I have another library, IDELAYS, for that). Save the library files to a folder called C:\SXB LIBRARY\ and then run the demo.

Oh, the routines are enclosed in $IFUSED-$ENDIF blocks so that only the code you call gets compiled into the program. You can see $IFUSED in action by looking at the List file (Ctrl+L) -- note that the code for DELAY_US produces nothing but an empty shell (the shell is required by the declaration).

Post Edited (JonnyMac) : 1/29/2009 3:13:45 PM GMT


  • ProfessorwizProfessorwiz Posts: 153
    edited 2009-01-29 02:11
    I don't see SX/B 2.0 availble to us general users.· Am I just missing it?
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2009-01-29 02:14
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2009-01-29 02:18

    You might want to consider keeping the sxb extension,
    eg. use filename_def.sxb and filename_lib.sxb
    That way when you open the files in the IDE,
    the sxb keywords are highlighted.

    regards peter
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,214
    edited 2009-01-29 15:04
    I was hesitant to do that, Peter, because I like to keep the file names short and sweet, but having slept on it I have come around as there are times (error, re-definition, etc.) when the editor wants to open a library file; having syntax highlighting will make tracking down errors easier.

    I guess I'd better go update that chapter in my book!
  • T'SaavikT'Saavik Posts: 60
    edited 2009-01-29 18:49
    I was wondering, would it make sense to have a "user library" setting in the IDE that way you don't have to specify the full path to your "load" instruction each time?
    It seems like everyone specifying absolute paths to functions is going to make code samples/demos less portable.

    Or barring that, perhaps having a default path for load in the SXB language itself like:

    load_path="c:\program files\parrallax\sx\sxb\tsaavik\my_functions\"

    the you could just do:

    load "my_stupid_function"
    load "\jonnymac\DELAYS_DEF.SXB"

    Just a thought, most likely a bad one [noparse]:D[/noparse]
  • $WMc%$WMc% Posts: 1,884
    edited 2009-01-31 04:14

    I like Your idea on file paths. It seems like I have to dig and dig to find the file (Program)I'm using with the SXB editor to be able to post it on a forum.

    I'm still some what new to SXB software, And I'm not complaining about anything.

    I have a nice new SX-KEY that works great. Thanks to Mr.Ken Gracey.

    But I have found that the SXB software is a little more involved then the Basic Stamp editor. I would like all the SXB programs close or in the SXB files.

    This may already be in place. as I have encountered some weird computer problems, And the problem MayBe totally on My end.

    ___Love-in the SX28____and the SXB editor________________$WMc%___________

    Parallax Oscope is on sale for $90.99·· Thats 35% off the regualer price__on sale until 2/02/09_It is part # 28014.·seach for it on the Parallax·Home page.

    The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA

    Post Edited ($WMc%) : 1/31/2009 4:44:47 AM GMT
  • Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
    edited 2009-02-01 20:14
    Can I use INCLUDE in a SXB 2.0 program?
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2009-02-02 00:34
    Capt. Quirk,

    The directive INCLUDE is for including assembly code files.
    The directive LOAD is for including sxb code files.

    How about using SUBST for now.
    Suppose you create a library directory named sxblib at some location

    Then use
    SUBST W: %path%\sxblib

    Specify LOAD files as
    LOAD "W:\math\Float32.SXB"

    The W: accesses folder %path%\sxblib

    The %path% could be default
    C:\Program Files\Parallax Inc\

    You can enter the SUBST command from a dos window or a .bat file

    regards peter
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2009-02-02 01:25

    Could the compiler read the library path from a file LIBRARY.DIR
    in the SXB directory?
    So if the file would read
    C:\SXB LIB

    and a LOAD would specify

    LOAD "somedir\myfile.sxb"

    the compiler would read file "C:\SXB LIB\somedir\myfile.sxb"

    That would let us have a relative path in the LOAD command
    without·change to the IDE or the SXB command line interface.

    regards peter
  • Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
    edited 2009-02-02 05:47
    I was hoping I could incorperate a prebuilt·assembly VP's into an SXB program, based on the current downloadable vp's on the·Parallax web site or yours.

    Just a hope, Thanks for everything else you do.


    Post Edited (Capt. Quirk) : 2/2/2009 5:58:31 AM GMT
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2009-02-02 08:42
    Relative paths work, however, when I tested them, using forward slashes..., e.g.

    INCLUDE "../libraries/math/math_basic_def.sxb"
    INCLUDE "../libraries/math/math_basic_inc.sxb"
    'where the SXB program is in it's own directory on same level as my libraries folder

    Also, it would seem a good style for distribution of libraries is to edit the app/demo that uses LOAD or INCLUDE to be the filename only (i.e. a relative path to an included lib in the same dir as the SXB program that uses it). This way your "public" distribution can be zipped up along with the demo that uses and downloaded to any location on the user's computer and it will compile.

    I also agree with Peter Verkaik that distributed libraries should require the manual insertion of $USES, rather than relying on "blank" subs/funcs and larger jump tables. When a user has an ISR w/o a GOTO Interrupt_Handler or the like, large jump tables plus the ISR in page $00 will lead to lots of out of space errors when libraries with many functions/subs are loaded into the same app.

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2009-02-02 11:21

    That only works while your project file is in the original location.
    Move your project to another drive or subdirectory level and it won't find the libraries.
    So a known but settable library root folder is desirable.

    @Capt. Quirk,

    That should be the goal. In my opinion you must be able to load·a library
    and use it, without the need to edit the library. Attached is a first attempt
    to implement dynamic Virtual Peripherals. Dynamic in the sense that VP's
    occupy a ram bank and that VP's can be started and stopped. Once stopped,
    its rambank is freed and can be used by another VP.
    Note that this was written months ago so there are no '{$ifused subname} blocks yet.
    VP's are declared using DATA tables. So you can declare more VP's than you can
    run simultaneously. In that they are much like TASKS.
    Unzip the attachement in a folder and open vpTemplate.sxb
    It should compile without error.

    I'd like to discuss library development so we can come up with a template framework
    for libraries.
    Some things are already clear:

    Code must be enclosed in '{ifused subname} blocks.

    Interrupt code, if possible, should be pure assembly, encoded in a macro (see attachement).
    That way it can be easily·inserted in the INTERRUPT routine.
    · \myMacro

    A library consist of a definition file libname_DEF.SXB and a code file libname_INC.SXB
    (I used Jonnymacs filenaming as it just as good as the _h and _lib I used in the attachement).

    The DEF file should contain all CON's, VAR's and IOPIN's used by the library with the exception
    of those that needs to be·set by the application program. The DEF should state clearly what
    needs to be declared/defined externally before loading the library.

    The INC should contain all subs, funcs, tasks enclosed in·$ifused blocks.

    The DEF should contain all declarations for subs, funcs and tasks, also enclosed in·$ifused blocks.

    The DEF should contain a list of public subs,·vars and tasks (eg. those the application
    may call directly) before the sub/func/task declarations, but commented out.
    This list is to copied to the application program that uses the library.
    That way one just needs to uncomment an entry in the application program if that entry is used.

    For example, a list in the DEF could be
    ''{uses mySub1}
    ''{uses mySub2}
    ''{uses mySub3}
    ''{uses mySub4}
    (Note the two single quotes at the start.
    Once copied·to the application program it is easy to enable·subs by just uncommenting
    the used subs.

    To enhance readability I request that $uses accepts a comma seperated list. In DEF
    '{$uses libname: -mySub1,-mySub2,-mySub3,-mySub4}
    Note that $uses is not commented out, rather the - prefixed to the subname specifies
    the sub as not used.
    Once copied to the application program, just remove the - to enable a sub.
    The libname: is just comment but shows to what library the subs belong.

    The DEF should contain a $define libname which is to be used to load the accompanied INC file.
    '{$ifdef libname}
    load "libname_INC.SXB"

    For documentation purposes,·javadoc info blocks can be inserted in the DEF file.
    The free utility DOXYGEN can extract those blocks and convert it to html or pdf.
    At start of DEF file:
    '{$ifdef doxygen}
    '{$undefine doxygen}

    to make sure doxygen is undefined.
    Per sub/func a block like

    '{$ifdef doxygen}
    ·* \brief Sub/func description
    ·* @param x Description of x
    ·* @param y Description of y
    ·* @return Return value
    ·word myFunc(byte x, word y) {}

    which is complete skipped by sxb but extracted by the doxygen program.

    That summarizes what I think is required to make libaries re-usable.
    Please comment.

    regards peter
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2009-02-02 12:54
    Attached are templates for the application program, library DEF file and library INC file.
    They are all derived from the template program file that we currently use.

    Notice in DEF how I turn subs into private subs: I leave out private subs
    in the list that must be copied to the application. I then use '{$uses privateSub}
    at the SUB declaration that uses that private sub.

    I think these templates have everything·in place
    but suggestions for·improvements·are welcome.

    regards peter
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2009-02-02 17:32
    Peter -- that's sweet. Very refined. I have only two concerns.

    First, that the nested DEFs and such may be too much for some users -- tracing the threads is not quite as simple. I would prefer simple IFUSED/USES, and perhaps break out ISR code separately (though formally your trick is really good for convenience if the library is set up properly). I think a balance between the utter simplicity Jon prefers and the formally coherent you produce would be ideal. I really like the list of ready to cut/paste USES statements, and the overall organization. Not sure how I feel about variable declarations in the lib, however. Need to mull over that.

    Second, I'm not sure adherence to doxygen documentation formatting will happen with any regularity. I also would encourage easier to read comments/instructions as comment lines in the doc itself. I know that the doxygen ready formatting is something you encourage because you also are posting classes and such for the Javalin Stamp, and I'm guessing that for your purposes it is essential to extract this info since you must answer 1000s of questions, but it might be a bit much for other users; and in the case of submitted libraries, I wouldn't want folks to be discouraged from inserting copious commentary because the formatting could be troublesome for some. E.G., when someone posts a Kalman IMU lib, any documentation would be awesome.

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2009-02-02 20:22

    Not sure what you mean by nested DEF. If you refer to
    'file vpCore_h.sxb
    '{$IFNDEF __vpCore__}
    '{$DEFINE __vpCore__}
    and simular as found in the, I already have abanded the $ifndef
    because there is no need for it as sxb does not allow seperate compilation.
    It also dates from months ago. The templates I posted are the most recent
    and these do not have the $ifndef line.
    If you referred to something else·please specify.

    The vpLibrary was a first attempt to see if it was possible to create dynamic VP loading
    without too much hassle in·the application file. The DATA used to specify the VP's
    is quite a nice way to handle it. I am not quite happy about the total result as it
    already uses half the sx48 memory, mainly because most·subroutines are written
    in sxb. Much room for improvement there, perhaps a static design saves alot of
    codesize. But whatever design, the library should hide all details and the
    application file should just be able to call some subs that deal with the VP's.

    If you are concerned about the complexity of the vpLibrary design, especially the
    interrupt part, that should·be of no concern if·the library is well written.
    After all, I don't think anybody cares about the complexity·of generated TASKS code,
    (there are 3 parts involved there, scattered around) as long as it works.

    It is always possible to do all variable allocation in the application program file.
    I see the benefits of that approach. In that case the DEF file must clearly specify
    in its documentation the variable names and variable sizes it needs defined.
    We can put in those declarations as comments in the DEF that just needs to be copied
    to the application file and uncommented. This also allows to organize memory
    exactly as you want it.

    The whole doxygen item is optional. After all, to sxb·it·is just comment.
    But you are right that I have dozens of javelin classes, some of which
    I·will convert to sxb. These classes are heavily documented with javadocs
    so why not integrate these as comments, but·it is not mandatory.
    I just mentioned it to show it is easily done.

    regards peter
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2009-02-02 22:24
    By nested, I mean the lib_def defines this:

    '{$define __libTemplate__}

    Which is then used further in the APP file to decide whether or not to include the lib_inc further down the app. This is the part I think is confusing for the casual user... I would rather the same list of $USES be used in both def and inc, and just load them. Otherwise the user has to p/u both the commented out list of USES and any custom DEFINEs that could be required to load subsequent parts of the library. Since the IFUSED are present in both def and inc, I don't see the value (outside of speeding up compilation by not loading a file that is unecessary) in having the def define items for including further down in the APP. It's one thing if the lib def or inc itself defines items for includes within itself (say a high-level lib that requires a math lib).

    Below is my tiny edit.....

    Now, thinking out loud, here's a case. I have a math lib that does signed word mult, div, mid-mult, with accurate 16-bit rounding. I use it everywhere. So what if I accidentally include it (via USES/USED) in both an app AND it's linked to from within some other higher-level library? My thought would be to have the lib and def internally track this, like so:

    ' def file
    '{$IFUSED mySub1}
    '{$IFNDEF mySub1_loaded}
    '{$DEFINE mySub1_loaded}
    mySub1 SUB 0, 0

    This would prevent the possible insertion of the same code even if the library is loaded more than once. I'm just not at my micro machine right now to test if you can enclose ifused as above.

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2009-02-03 00:39

    You forget about any DATA that may reside in the INC file.
    To leave those out the entire INC file must not load.

    Secondly, I think we agree that we can not have circular use of libraries.
    So if a library x uses subs from library y than library y cannot use subs from library x.
    This means if library x uses library y then library y must be loaded prior to library x
    (for the DEF files that is, the order of loading INC files is irrelevant), because library x
    (the DEF) may use some constants defined in library y.

    The library name $define therefore also allows some checking.

    If library x uses library y then library x (the DEF) should have a line

    '{$ifndef __liby__}
    '{$error Library y must be loaded prior to library x}

    There is no problem with multiple identical $uses as long as there is only 1 instance
    of the sub. More instances would generate a compiler error.

    regards peter
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2009-02-03 00:58
    Well, I just tried out something like this and compiled with the library loaded twice --

    '{$IFNDEF math_lib_inc_loaded}
    '{$DEFINE math_lib_inc_loaded}
    ' BEGIN math_lib_def
    ' 2 jan 2009
    ' requires tmpW1, tmpW2 Word variables in same bank
    ' requires sign as bit variable in bank $00
    ''{$USES MATH_DIV}
    ''{$USES MATH_MM}
    ' Use -- z = MATH_MULT [noparse][[/noparse]word|byte], [noparse][[/noparse]word|byte]; if mixed word comes first
    ' Result -- z = x * y
       BANK tmpW1
    ' etc
    ' more code

    ···· Doesn't work unfortunately as it's clean. But you can nest IFDEF within IFUSED (just not the other way around).

    '{$IFNDEF MATH_MULT_inc_loaded}
    '{$DEFINE MATH_MULT_inc_loaded}
    ' Use -- z = MATH_MULT [noparse][[/noparse]word|byte], [noparse][[/noparse]word|byte]; if mixed word comes first
    ' Result -- z = x * y
       BANK tmpW1
       CJNE __PARAMCNT, #2, :checkfour
          MOV __PARAM3, __PARAM2
          CLR __PARAM2
       CJAE __PARAMCNT, #4, :doit
          CLR __PARAM4
       tmpW1 = __WPARAM12
       tmpW2 = __WPARAM34
       tmpW1 = tmpW1 * tmpW2
       __WPARAM12 = tmpW1
       \BANK __DEFAULT
       RETURN 'tmpW1

    Sort of like what you did, but in this case each loaded flag is local to the routine itself, which I think makes for easy reading, and also easy nuking, moving around. The attached math libraries I can load TWICE and they only compile once. This means that multiple libraries that use the same libraries (which could be common if every body starts using a basic serial, math, lcd, etc. library linked in their own higher level library, e.g. motor control w/real time ramping). This covers for only compiling data once as well, or whatever the author deems necessary, and the flags are all right with the code itself. I dunno :-)

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2009-02-03 00:59

    What we can do is moving the
    '{$ifdef __libTemplate__} and '{$ifend} that surround the load "libTemplate_INC.SXB"
    into the file libTemplate_INC.SXB

    In the application file we can then just use
    load "libTemplate_INC.SXB"

    So if one loads a DEF then one must also load the INC.
    Loading·the INC when the DEF is not loaded is no problem
    because then __libTemplate__ is not defined.

    regards peter
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2009-02-03 01:46

    You can use $ifused within $ifdef.
    For the attached updated templates I have moved the
    into the INC file itself.
    So that file has $ifused within $ifdef, and it compiles ok.

    I have been on that route for multiple loading of libraries.
    The I wrote months ago did the same thing.
    The reason I abondoned it is because sxb has no linker.
    So it is easiest to just load the libraries in·the application
    file.·If the order of loading is·incorrect, the·library
    that misses a required library can show that by means
    of an error·message as explained in my previous post.
    However, if·a library requires another library it should
    be specified, so the user can load the required library
    prior to loading·the library itself.

    regards peter
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2009-02-03 02:01
    Somebody said...
    You can use $ifused within $ifdef.

    Only singly, not multiples -- I wanted to prevent entire swaths of the lib that contained multiple ifused/endif blocks from compiling. Wait I take that back -- IFNDEF did NOT work when I used it just like you used IFDEF in your posted example. I need to check that again to be sure, however.

    Second, the one thing I don't see here is prevention of duplicate compiling if a lib is loaded twice. And I see no reason why libs themselves can't load other libs (e.g. a motor control lib loading a math lib -- the end user only needs to load motor_lib). Obviously, the author would need to provide the libs, but I think a good style should a) allow for the fewest load statements in the main application, b) using multiple libs without the hassle of checking to see if other used libs will load the same utilities and throw an error. See my attached SXB files from earlier. They can all be loaded multiple times w/o double compilation.

    Whew. Nuff' said for now -- gotta get back to a project on the bench smile.gif

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2009-02-03 08:43

    I have enclosed the DEF and INC files in $ifndef blocks.
    So a library DEF or INC will only compile once.

    In the example, mySub2 now calls a mySub5 that is located in library libTemplate2.
    The $ifused mySub2 block in libTemplate_DEF
    '{$ifused mySub2}
    '{$uses mySub3}
    '{$uses mySub5}
    load "libTemplate2_DEF.SXB"
    mySub2 sub 1

    now loads the libTemplate2_DEF.

    The libTemplate_INC has
    '{$ifused mySub2}
    load "libTemplate2_INC.SXB"
    sub mySub2
    · mySub3 2
    · mySub5 1

    which loads the libTemplate2_INC when required.

    The application file merely loads the libTemplate, no reference to libTemplate2
    is visible in the application file.

    The only problem is that you must know all used subs from libTemplate2 at the
    moment libTemplate2 is compiled. If another library also uses libTemplate2
    but only uses one·sub from it, the remaining subs cannot be compiled.
    The solution is either declare all used subs in· the application file
    (at· least it is all grouped then, just as you want all VAR declarations grouped),
    or use a $define·per sub (as you did in your example), which is not very appealing to me
    but workable.

    I'd like more comments, arguments, what the best strategy is here.
    From a maintaining viewpoint, having grouped all LOAD commands
    might be best.

    Just realized, having LOAD commands where required, also means these appear
    in the list view. So·if a library is loaded more than once it appears as many times
    as comments in the list view. Having grouped all LOAD commands keeps the list view clear
    and also·gives an overview of what subs are used by an application.
    I don't know about others, but I frequently·use the list view to check generated
    code. A·clean list view is important I think.
    Having said that, a construct like
    '{$ifdef __libTemplate__}
    load "libTemplate_INC.SXB"
    in the application file prevents libTemplate_INC to show at all at the list view if
    its DEF is not loaded. Moving the $ifdef into the INC file results in the INC showing
    up as comments when not loaded.

    regards peter

    Post Edited (Peter Verkaik) : 2/3/2009 9:57:38 AM GMT
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2009-02-03 18:09

    I was actually just looking at output where everything not compiled is commented. Bean, is it possible to change that so that material that is not compiled is just stripped?

    Second, while my example works under some circumstances, in further tests last night, it would seem that when IFUSED encloses IFDEF, the results of the IFDEF will trump any result of the parsing the IFUSED, even if the result of the IFUSED is negative.

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2009-02-03 19:28
    Zoot said...

    I was actually just looking at output where everything not compiled is commented. Bean, is it possible to change that so that material that is not compiled is just stripped?
    I don't know if that is wise, but if Bean adds this it should be optional (compile full, compile stripped)
    but it probably means changing the IDE also.
    Zoot said...

    Second, while my example works under some circumstances, in further tests last night, it would seem that when IFUSED encloses IFDEF, the results of the IFDEF will trump any result of the parsing the IFUSED, even if the result of the IFUSED is negative.
    Do you have an example of that as it would indicate a bug in conditional compiling.

    Although it is clear it is possible to write libraries such that they can load in any order,
    I am not sure it is the best way. Just to save on a few load commands in the application
    file, the libraries become more complex with conditional statements and we get a list view
    where library subroutines may be scattered around depending on which library gets to compile
    the subroutine first, plus the list view will hold multiple loaded libraries as comments.

    For me it is clear that grouping the load commands in the application·file is preferable.
    You already must state·in the library which variables to declare, so·you can just as well
    state what other libraries must be·loaded for your library to work.

    regards peter
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2009-02-03 19:36
    I don't know that it's a bug or a feature, but this will not work as I expected, which would be that if USED is NOT set, none of it compiles, but if USES IS set, then it compiles, but only once if it is loaded again. The not loading twice part works fine, but regardless of the state of USES, the sub always compiles (once) in my tests. As you point, switching them around works, so I don't think it matters too much, EXCEPT that in my libs I like this because it's not all or nothing on the lib. Not sure it matters much, though.

    '=== main app
    LOAD "library.SXB"
    LOAD "library.SXB"
    '=== library.SXB
    '{$IFUSED sub_name}
    '{$IFNDEF sub_name_loaded}
    '{$DEFINE sub_name_loaded}
    SUB sub_name

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
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