Sorry to bother you with this after so much time since issued. I have used a bunch of SX 28 's on a series of projects some years ago on my work and some kept lying around at home.
Due to personal matters I had to put my electronics hobby apart. Now I am starting it again having a personal useful project as a target. I decided to use what I have at home which is appropriate for the job. I started using SX/B 1.5x and now upgraded to 2.0
The problem is that I find very little information online on the new features and how they should be used.
Is there a help file that substitutes or complements the 1.5x help file? Or is there any other place to obtain detailed information on the new features other than the "What's new in 2.0.." pdf file?
I think that the "What's new" is all that exists but it might help to read some of the threads here that discuss the features as they were reasoned out and added. This is particularly true for Tasks, most of the other new functionality is pretty straightforward.
Sorry to bother you with this after so much time since issued. I have used a bunch of SX 28 's on a series of projects some years ago on my work and some kept lying around at home.
Due to personal matters I had to put my electronics hobby apart. Now I am starting it again having a personal useful project as a target. I decided to use what I have at home which is appropriate for the job. I started using SX/B 1.5x and now upgraded to 2.0
The problem is that I find very little information online on the new features and how they should be used.
Is there a help file that substitutes or complements the 1.5x help file? Or is there any other place to obtain detailed information on the new features other than the "What's new in 2.0.." pdf file?
Thanks in advance, regards,
I think that the "What's new" is all that exists but it might help to read some of the threads here that discuss the features as they were reasoned out and added. This is particularly true for Tasks, most of the other new functionality is pretty straightforward.
(though there is also the incomplete but still helpful excerpts from "Practical SX/B")