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PASM need some help, ctra x 3 — Parallax Forums

PASM need some help, ctra x 3

OlovAOlovA Posts: 23
edited 2009-01-28 16:38 in Propeller 1
Hi. I want to use 3 input's for frequency counting ( P18,19,20 ),around· 100 KHz.
I tried to modify the code from AN001 but i cannot get the 2'nd and 3'd counter to work.
I just start to try to understand PASM, so probably my problem is in tha't part...
Okay, i'll try to insert "my" code here.
Thank's, Olov, Sweden...

''Demonstration of the counter used as a frequency counter
' 20 mm =  Khz
' 40 mm =
' P11 Down 3
' P12 Up 3
' P13 D2
' P14 U2
' P15 D1
' P16 U1
' P18 Sensor 1
' P19 S2
' P20 S3
' P21 Kollision 1
' P22 K2
' P23 K3
' P24 RS485 TXDE
' P25 TX
' P26 RX
  Vald_Hojd = 160000
  Hysteres = 2000
  _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
  _XinFREQ = 5_000_000
  debug : "FullDuplexSerial"
        long Akt_Hojd,Akt_Hojd2,Akt_Hojd3,Fq1,Fq2,Fq3
        long CogStack1[noparse][[/noparse] 20]
  debug.start(31, 30, 0, 9600)
  cognew(@entry1, @fq1)         'New cog for the 1'st freq.counter
  cognew(@entry2, @fq2)         ' 2'nd fq-counter
  cognew(@entry3, @fq3)         ' 3'd fq-counter
  cognew(M1,@CogStack1)         ' Routine for serial output of values
    Akt_Hojd := fq1 
    Akt_Hojd2 := fq2
    Akt_Hojd3 := fq3
    If AKt_Hojd > Vald_Hojd + Hysteres       ' För nära plåten
      OutA[noparse][[/noparse]16] := 0
      OutA[noparse][[/noparse]15] := 1
    elseif AKt_Hojd < Vald_Hojd - Hysteres   ' För långt ifrån plåten
      OutA[noparse][[/noparse]16] := 1
      OutA[noparse][[/noparse]15] := 0
      OutA[noparse][[/noparse]16] := 0
      OutA[noparse][[/noparse]15] := 0
    waitcnt(ClkFreq * 1 + cnt) 'wait 1 seconds then set MyVar to value 1
    debug.str(string("Fq1 = ")) ' Send to the PC
    debug.str(string("Fq2 = "))
    debug.str(string("Fq3 = "))
entry1  mov     ctra, ctra_1            'establish mode and start counter
        mov     frqa, #1                'increment for each edge seen
        mov     cnt_1, cnt               'setup time delay
        add     cnt_1, cntadd1
:loop1  waitcnt cnt_1, cntadd1            'wait for next sample
        mov     new1, phsa               'record new count
        mov     temp1, new1               'make second copy
        sub     new1, old1                'get delta
        mov     old1, temp1               'set next delta's base
        wrlong  new1, par
        jmp     #:loop1
entry2  mov     ctra, ctra_2            'establish mode and start counter
        mov     frqa, #1                'increment for each edge seen
        mov     cnt_2, cnt               'setup time delay
        add     cnt_2, cntadd2
:loop2  waitcnt cnt_2, cntadd2            'wait for next sample
        mov     new2, phsa               'record new count
        mov     temp2, new2               'make second copy
        sub     new2, old2                'get delta
        mov     old2, temp2               'set next delta's base
        wrlong  new2, par
        jmp     #:loop2
entry3  mov     ctra, ctra_3            'establish mode and start counter
        mov     frqa, #1                'increment for each edge seen
        mov     cnt_3, cnt               'setup time delay
        add     cnt_3, cntadd3
:loop3  waitcnt cnt_3, cntadd3            'wait for next sample
        mov     new3, phsa               'record new count
        mov     temp3, new3               'make second copy
        sub     new3, old3                'get delta
        mov     old3, temp3               'set next delta's base
        wrlong  new3, par
        jmp     #:loop3
fit 496
ctra_1  long    %01010 << 26 + 18        'mode + APIN
cntadd1 long    80_000_000              'wait 0,1 second, answer in Hz/10 
ctra_2  long    %01010 << 26 + 19        'mode + APIN
cntadd2 long    80_000_000              'wait 0,1 second, answer in Hz/10 
ctra_3  long    %01010 << 26 + 20        'mode + APIN
cntadd3 long    80_000_000              'wait 0,1 second, answer in Hz/10 
cnt_1   res     1
new1    res     1
old1    res     1
temp1   res     1
cnt_2   res     1
new2    res     1
old2    res     1
temp2   res     1
cnt_3   res     1
new3    res     1
old3    res     1
temp3   res     1


  • TreeLabTreeLab Posts: 138
    edited 2009-01-28 13:34
    There are only two counters per cog. The two sets of registers you need to work with are the (ctra, ctra) (frqa, frqb), (phsa, phsb). The codes must be distinct, since when you load the cog of the entry2 and entry3 their individual origins (as found in the DAT section will not match their load sites in cog memory. To get three counters going, just simplify your code to run a single counter (say A) then launch it three times into three cogs after first setting the ctra register and telling teh PASM code where to put the data. (or this address could be passed as the parameter to the cognew)

    ' set the PASM variables
    ctra_1 := %01010<<26 + 18
    dest_1 := @spin_variable_1
    cognew( @entry, doesn matter )

    ctra_1 := %01010<<26 + 19
    dest_1 := @spin_variable_2
    cognew( @entry, doesnt matter )

    ctra_1 := %01010<<26 + 20
    dest_1 := @spin_variable_3
    cognew( @entry, doesnt matter )

    You may have to do some more book-keeping, depending on how you rewrite the PASM code.

  • OlovAOlovA Posts: 23
    edited 2009-01-28 16:38
    Thank you wery much. I'll try that.
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